
Translation English to German...???

by  |  earlier

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can someone translate this sentence to perfect German, please?

"An apple a day keeps Ryuk quite and away"

p.s. Ryuk is a name :)




  1. The proverb "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is of British origin and has no German counterpart.  There are some German jokes about Apples, however, mostly about the "Eipott". "Ei" means egg in German. Do I need to say more?

  2. Here it goes:

    "Einen Apfel pro Tag haelt Ryuk ruhig und weg."

    I hope it is useless to say that this sentence makes no sense. Is there no other saying that can be used?

  3. "weg" ist not really a good choise. Try this:

    "Einen Apfel pro Tag haelt Ryuk ruhig und auf distanz"

    instead of "ruhig" you could also use "still"

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