
Translation of latin subjunctive?

by Guest58362  |  earlier

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how do you translate the active and passive subjunctive?

i know how to form it, but i don't remember how to correctly translate it.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks. [:




  1. Your question is impossible to answer without specificexamples; the subjunctive is a grammatical function in Latin and, although it also exists in English (a) hardly anyone ever uses it and (b) the rules that govern it are different,in most cases, to those that exists in Latin.

  2. It's translated just like the indicative form of the verb. They just use the subjunctive in certain cases, but it translates the same.

  3. Graham is right; there are many ways to use subjunctive in Latin, and the context is necessary to tell why.

    You've said comparaverat is subjunctive - better look closer - that's 3rd person past perfect indicative - 'He had prepared.' The 3rd person subjunctive form is 'compararet'. One translation of that (just one; there are several possible) is: 'He should have prepared.'

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