
Translation on this behavior please?

by Guest45046  |  earlier

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I met someone 5 years ago and we hit it off. Unfortunately he met someone else and felt he would regret not getting to know me better. Well after 4 1/2 years they break up - not well. He contacts me 6 months after they break up. We hit it off again. Start spending a couple times a week together. We have so much in common. He drives two hours each way to see me (as he moved and lives a lot further away now). He starts calling me his gf, telling me he wants to move closer, change his life around, meet my family. Next day calls me up and tells me he's not going to fall in love with me - because I don't know what he's thinking (I didn't realize he was telling me things because he wasn't telling me - I should have just "known"). All the while he acted as though he was already in love. Is this a rebound or a very confused man?

I guess I should also add when I tried to get him to talk about it - he refused. He refused to see me in person, talk about it, work it out. All after almost 6 months of being involved and him moving the relationship along. He wouldn't answer emails or when I tried to call him - I gave up. That was three months ago, and I never heard from him again. Needless to say it broke my heart. We were from what I saw and what he told me prior to the "surprise" break up that I made him incredibly happy.




  1. Maybe he is trying to protect you like he is for sure you will end up hurt or unhappy and he doesnt want to see that. He may care the world for you and know he will most likely fall in love with you but knows he isnt the one for you. He hasnt called in months what makes you think he will any time soon? Give him space...Move on is he worth it to you if your not worth it to him?

  2. Ugh what a jerk. It sounds like you were just a rebound. If it happened three months ago then it's probably over for sure. But if he does try to contact you again, don't talk to him! He'll just keep taking advantage of your heart. I'm sorry =(

  3. As hard as this may sound I think you were the rebound, only thing is sI think he is back with her now. he probably figured he couldnt get anywhere with you and was too embarrassed to actually talk to you about it that he just cut it off and now he found someone else or his old g/f and is with her/them now, you forgotten. Thing that women have to keep in mind alwys is that when men love someon or when htey want something, they try very hard to get it, and literally stop at nothing, apparnetly he lied to you when he said he lovedd you, because where is he now when you need an explaination?  

  4. Sounds like he rushed in to fast, suddenly realized & freaked out. I think that he is hiding and avoiding you cause the ex reappeared in his life and well you know...

    What a coward!!

  5. He either is afraid of commitment, rethought his life and you didn't fit , or is a douche and found someone he thinks is better.  

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