
Translation please. For my sons school.?

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Can someone please translate this for me? My German is not very good yet, but Im working on it!

Hier werden Sie die Klassenlehrer der Kinder kenned lernen und auch Informationen ueber das benoetigte Material und den Stundenplan erhalten. Sie koennen Fragen stellen und Anregungen einbringen.

Thank you!




  1. Here you will learn the class teachers of the children kenned and also receive information about the required material and the timetable. They can put questions and introduce suggestions.

  2. 'Here you will get to know the children's class teachers and get information about the required material and the class schedule. You can ask questions and offer suggestions.'

  3. Here you'll meet the children's teacher and get information about the schedule and (not sure if it's school supplies or the curriculum). You can ask questions and bring in (suggestions?).

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