
Translation please:)?

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JA TOU LA!!! :P ei mas a festa nao eh na sexta nao? euheu acabei de falar com Ani e ela disse que era na, soh sei que vai ter festa!! haha ate lah entao!

ah voce vai n colegio dela na quinta ou sexta com o buque mesmo? eu esqueci de perguntar quais as ultimas aulas dela, mas eu vou perguntar hoje se a gente for pra academia mesmo.

Eh eh a festa eh soh na sexta mesmo mas eu ja vo ta la na Quinta, ai vou ligar pra Ani com certeza!!

Po eu acho q nao vai dar pra fazer a parada do buque + pq eu soh vou chegar em Weed as 3 da tarde e ela ja deve ta em casa essa eu pensei em comprar 2 aneis iguais, 1 pra mim e 1 pra ela entendeu?? tipo uma alianca mas nao tao serio hahahhaha

Entao eh isso bjoooes





  1. We use alot of "stylish wordss rsrs" here is what it says

    I`m there already (she/her is excited and will be there for sure)

    isn't the party on friday? I just spoke with Ani and she told me it will be friday... well, i just know that there will be a party!! lol, see you there then!

    Ohh are you really going to her school on thursday ou  friday with the bouquet?  I forgot to ask what are her last classes, but i will ask her today if we go to the gym for sure.

    Yeah Yeah the party is only on Friday for sure but i will be there on Thursday, then I will call Ani for sure1!!

    Well I think you wont be able do to the thing with the bouquet + b/c i`m only going to get to the "WEed" aroud 3pm and she will propably will be home at that time... I thought about buying 2 identical rings, 1for me and 1 for her got it?  Like a ring nothing serious hahahor LOL

    ok thats that then kisses

    FRIDAY JOHNNY"S HOUSE!! DONT FORGET MY DAUGHTER(other words... don't forget gurl) LOL

  2. I'll give it a try - it is not written very well and uses some slang

    I'll be there - the party is on Friday, right?  I spok with Ani and she said it was Friday.  So, I know we will have a party.  Until then.  You will be going to her school on Thursday or Friday to find her? (maybe)  I forgot to ask which were her last classes, but I will ask today if we're going to the same academy.

    The party is on Friday, but I will already be there Thursday, then I will call Ani for sure.

    I don't think it will do to (parada do buque-not sure about this) and I will arrive in 'Weed' (not sure what that is) at 3 in the afternoon and she should already be home by then.  I thought about buying two rings (that are the same), one for me and one for her, understand?  It's kind of an engagement but not that serious.  Until then, kisses

    Thursday at Johnny's house - don't forget my daughter

    Not sure if that means anything to you or not, but that's what I get out of it.
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