
Translations and hidden meanings....?

by  |  earlier

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I'm reading this book my cousin sent, because....I'm just trying to heal here, anyway. I find it interesting - I'm going to quote one of the areas it's in Men/translations...

"I need some space"...

translation: It's over

alternate translation: I want to sleep with other women....

"I've been meeaning to call you."

translation: I had no intention of calling you and now I'm busted because you called me.

DO guys really think like this....this is harlious to me? I think it's funny why dont people just flat out say what they mean.

"translation....I dont want to be your girlfriend....I just want to use you for your money and have you buy me nice things"

O' God - I'm rolling here. LMAO




  1. I sooooo want that book. And personally guy's totaly think like that. I have a brother so I know what I'm talking about here.

  2. whats the name of the book i want it lol

  3. i wish people would say what they mean it would be a hole lot easier but on the other hand some lies are good because u might not want to hear the truth say if your partner had cancer and he didn't want u to know and i told u a lie coz he/she would no it would hurt you

    from lilmizdeathdrop

  4. Lol! Yeah, people never really say what they mean. True honesty in guys is rare. :D

  5. Hey! That is unfair. We aren't all like that.

    Meaning; Yes we are. We really are.


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