
Transplanting Bamboo?

by  |  earlier

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I'd like to transplant my bamboo from a water/ pebble set up, to a dirt one. I was just wondering how to do it and what I should do to prep it/ help it after the change.




  1. take it out of there and put it in here   done

  2. Just put it i the dirt and use the gravel on top to help hold in moisture. Be sure to keep it watered well.


  3. i helped my grandmother do this and it was in the winter too!! now the bamboo is very tall!!!!!

    the soil that you need to put it in has to be very rich and full of minerals. keep it in the sun even if you live in cooler areas. Water it only when it really is starting to look dry because you never ever want to over water bamboo because it can be drowned very easily.

  4. Put it in a container. Do not plant it in the yard. It will get out of control and mess up the foundation of your house.

  5. i hope you like it the bamboo it will take over  you have to keep it in control
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