
Trapped in a Dream?

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Two nights ago, I had a very vivid dream. I was in my living room, tied to a wooden chair. There was a man torturing me with an assortment of tools. It was like I could really feel the pain he was inflicting on me, though I knew he wasn't real. I kept saying to myself, "This isn't real, this isn't real!" I kept trying to wake myself up but it wouldn't work. The man didn't speak throughout the dream, he just continued to torture me. What could this dream possibly mean??

Also, why are bad dreams called nightmares? I was under the impression that mares were female horses.




  1. In a book by Carl Jung he included a woodcut from some ancient book - it was a witch stealing away your soul riding on a nightmare - a black and midnight horse.

    That's quite a dream!  It wasn't Georgie Bush, was it?  He likes torturing people - gives him a sick little thrill.  

    But what does a dream like that mean!!!???  Difficult to know.  The unconscious certainly comes up with some interesting stuff.  Obviously you are at a disadvantage in the dream, and you have to be clever enough to wake yourself up.

  2. The man is representing a part of yourself that you feel is being tortured. Who in your life is hurting you right now, this relationship is with someone who will not listen to your cries and you feel powerless to. Good job in trying to control it knowing this wasn't real!

  3. i had a dream where i was kidnapped and i selpt again in my dream. when i woke up, i was still sleeping but i thought it was real because i woke up.i couldnt wake up i know what you are feeling and its not very cool.
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