
Trapped in my room?

by  |  earlier

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Hello...uhm... I'm kind of trapped in my room and I don't know how to get out. You see, the doorknob is broken it just spins and doesn't open the door. I figured out earlyier today that the door can be opened from the outside. The only problem is there is no one home to open it for me. I'm trapped in my bedroom so I don't have any tools or anything to take the door off the hinges or something. Do you have any advice on how to get my door open or what to do while I wait for someone to come home. I don't mind waiting for someone to come home, the only problem is soon I will have to go to the bathroom, and well that won't be very good.




  1. hold it ha ha

  2. uhh...

    climb out your window.

    pee in a bottle. haha

    keep yourself entertained on the computer.

  3. Climb out the window

  4. Kick the door open. OR if the k**b won't work it's possible it

    s loose so try pull it off.

  5. lol, this is funny. ummm call somebody if you have a phone in your room, IM or email sombody and hope they get it soon, somebody that lives close anyway. you couild climb out the window if its not high, otherwise you really cant. unless you can unscrew the doorknob, you could maybe use a something other than a screwdriver.i dunno. good luck :D

  6. If your on the 1st floor, use the window! If not call someone if you have a phone. Other wise youll jsut have to wait it out. Good luck.

  7. well if u had a phone in there u could call someone...can u climb out the window? if not youl probably have to wait

  8. Do you have any cups or jars you can use?  Perhaps the garbage can?

    You could try the credit card method to open the door. Or grab on to the k**b and pull with all your might.  Maybe it will open.

  9. you should have screws for the door k**b on your side of the room, try and use a finger nail file and take the screws out, then you can use it again to turn the inner componits to open the door..

  10. hahahah aorry thats not funny but it made me laugh!!!!!

    ok well u can u call a neighbor or something, otherwise i think ur stuck untill someone comes home.....

    good luck and dont think of water / liquid

    it makes u have to pee


  11. um i think u should try to kick the door down if u can afford it if so aim for the right of the door k**b other than that call some one to open the door u have a phone use it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  12. take the door handle off all the way or use ur fone to call if u have one..

  13. ummm, ever heard of a window??????//

  14. Can you pull the door k**b on you side off and use something like a nail file or something you have in your bedroom to try and turn the bolt on the door. Persevere with it, try everything it's amazing what you can do.

    Is you door a big, solid job or does it have hardboard or plywood panels. You could push the top one out and reach the outside door handle.

    If all of this fails you will have to wait (boring!). but get the doorknob fixed soonest, you don't want to have to go through this again. Good luck and keep your knees crossed.

  15. hahahahaha get out your window

    otherwise idk

    the same thing happend to me accept somone was home

  16. Thats happened to me before only i didnt have ac omputer to waist time.  I eventually jumped out the window.  My bedroom was on the 1st floor though.

  17. if the hinges are inside then you can get something like an ink pin and a shoe or something and put the ink pin against the top hinge thing and use the shoe or whatever object like a hammer and keep doing that to push the hinge out

  18. Turn the k**b to where there is a hole. Line the hole in the k**b up with the hole in the k**b shaft. Shove a ball point pen in the holes while you turn the know slowly. If you keep the pen tightly pressed, the door should open.

  19. don't know but it is funny. sorry 'bout your bad luck.

  20. sllide a credit card through the slit between the door and the wall then pull open the door

    if that doesn't work you can always pee out your window ha ha

  21. If you dont have a window to go out of then call them, if you cant call them, break the door down and if you cant do that then use ur amagination! =]
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