
Traumatizing experience...?

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Okay a couple months ago I had this babysitting job watching a baby and a two year old. Well one day I was babysitting and both the girls were napping so I went upstairs to use the call and tell the mom that they were doing good. Well the entire time I was up there I felt this evil feeling come over me like something seemed wrong and depressing. I was even scared and I wanted to get down stairs right away. So I got off the phone and rushed down the stairs. Well I looked in the living room where the girls were napping and everything was fine until I looked at the clock on the cable box and it said 666! And no it wasn't on channel 666 it was on nick jr! I was so freaked out. I was like paralized for like five minutes. I finally opened my phone and snapped a picture because I couldn't believe it. I'm still freaked out by this! My parents didn't think nothing of it but what's your oppinion???

Here's the proof:

I don't know how to get over this! I asked the mom if the box ever did that before and she said no. I'm afraid to look at clocks now!




  1. First its just a clock.  It is an item with dozens of little electric impulses and movable pieces and stuff goes wrong.  Random numbers can pop up at any time.  I've even had people with phone number with 666 in them should I not call them?  That number means nothing unless its being used by people to scare and intimadate others.  

    Relax, and tell that mom to get a new clock or turn that one off.  

    Also have the family check for electrical problems that may have given you the scary feelings as that is dangerous if there is a short in the wiring that could cause a fire.

  2. it could be a tech. prob with the happens.

  3. If you really believe in evil and the number of the beast and all that, you should be aware that you make yourself an easier target by being afraid.  Anything that seeks to do harm to our souls finds our weakness and plays on that to create confusion and fear and all the harmful things we do when we are confused and afraid.

    You can help yourself and stop feeding anything harmful by not giving in to intimidation.  Ask for help from your spiritual leaders if the fear continues to be overwhelming.

    You might also take a look at your thoughts and actions and see if you are contributing harm in anyway and then work to heal it or make it right.

  4. i think that this really is weird and paranormal. just be careful.

  5. My opinion is that there was definitely something evil there that time!

    Its too much of a coincidence that you felt that intense fear and then went down and saw the number 666.

    If that had have been me I'd have left immediately!

  6. That's weird. As you know 666 is the mark of the devil, and as we all know the devil is considered evil. After you felt the negative depressing feeling you saw the 666 on the clock. I believe that something evil was there at the time, why would a clock that never showed 666 at the time just all of a sudden show it on this very night!

    If it was a problem with the clock, why would it randomly show 666 AKA the mark of the devil? Wouldn't it do something like 12:57 when it is really 12:37, it wouldn't show just three numbers like 888 or 555 or 777 etc. That is what strikes me as odd. If it happens again call in someone, also ask the mother to document any activity and if it progresses tell her to call in someone, for the sake of the children!

  7. Why don't you contact the maker of the device? Perhaps they will explain it is an error message? You know in Asia (where your gizmo may have been manufactured) their idea of lucky and unlucky numbers are quite different to America's.

    If 8 is lucky in their culture and 4 is unlucky maybe they choose 6 as a neutral?

    Anyway, don't look after any kids until you are totally over it.

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