
Traumatizing period...............?

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I am having a very serious period problem and don't know what to do. Whenever I am seeing my period I feel very intense pain. When I take tablets they don't really work. When I went to the doctor she prescribed some tablets to be taken after a meal. However one the first day of my period I cannot eat or drink anything including water because if I do I will throw it up. When I throw up sometimes I bring up small amounts of blood. After I throw up I find it difficulty breathing and I start to breathe heavy. I feel cold. I am unable to help myself and have to ask my mom to bathe me and I am in my early twenties. I simply can't go on in this pain every single month. I am considering making my period stop coming altogether although I want too be able to have children in the future. But every time my period is coming I begin to dread about what to expect. What other methods can I try to help alleviate my period pain?




  1. You should go to a specialist doctor. This could be serious.  Just go to a doctor and say all of this to him/her. The throwing up is normal, but not the blood.  This could be a reaction to the medication.  Definitely go to the gyn. about this.  There could be something very bad goin' on!

    Good luck!

  2. I agree with the others about seeing the doc; one more suggestion,

    even though it may be difficult; stop agreeing with the enemy and

    expect God to work on your behalf.

    "I know this month will be better than the last.  He who is in me is greater that he who is in the world."  Get everyone you know to begin

    lifting you up in prayer  if they aren't already.

    here is my email

    God bless and keep you.

  3. The throwing up during your period is normal but not coughing up blood.  That is not good.  Have you told your gyn. about this??  If you've told her about all these symptoms you are experiencing and she still does next to nothing, I would go see a different gynocologist.  Sometimes doctors feel they know your body better when they don't, and many times doctors will not listen to you.  So when this happens you need to see a different doctor.

  4. =( Have you gone to the hospital? Anything that bad, something you can actually call traumatizing, needs to be dealt with. It doesn't sound normal at all...I'd double check that there isn't a serious problem behind this.

    Good luck!

  5. It sounds like you are having side effects from the medication also. So you might want to talk to your doctor and see if there is any other pain medication that you can take that will not upset your stomach even more. If you are in a large amount of pain, like it sounds like you are. I would look into hysterectomy's. You dont want to have to go on for a week every month in severe pain, to the point where your mother has to bathe you. That is not healthy and will eventually begin to take a toll on your body. But since you want to have children you definitely have some things to think about. I don't know how old you are or if you are married, but maybe you could have children soon and then have the operation. Or maybe adopt in the future? That is not a healthy way to live and you should not have to deal with it. But if your doctor does not know what to do, you might consider seeing a specialist.

    Good Luck!

  6. Go to the GYN. sounds really bad, but i know what u mean, minus the blood in vomit, id go on BC to stop them as much as u can

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