
Travel Laziness?

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Does anyone else like to travel but is just too lazy to do it anymore? I used to go to Europe, Hawaii, etc. I really want to go on another trip but the thought of the long flights and everything and I'm just like forget it. I'm only in my 20' do I get out of this funk?




  1. Just think of all the things you can do at your age

    you have no worries or anything and later in life you might

    not be able to travel the world. Yeah the long trips are a drag

    but think of the beauty you will be seeing on your trip and in the

    end it will all be worth it!

  2. I am just the opposite, I don't get lazy until I am already at my destination. Then I really need to motivate myself to see everything on my list.

    Sounds like you need to catch the 'travel bug' again. Just book a flight somewhere that you have never been before, you said you have been to Hawaii and Europe---try Asia or South America or Africa!!

    If you go somewhere cheap you can stay longer, you really need to go somewhere for a month or longer. My last trip was 44 days the one before that was 52 days. You don't care about the long flight when you know that you will be in paradise for 6 or 7 weeks!!!!

    It's amazing the different outlook you have when you leave the this materalistic world for long enough to get it completely out of your system. Then when you come back home you will notice things that you never noticed before, like how shallow, arrogant and selfish people are here. You just might find out what is really important in life:-)

  3. Put some inspiration around you! Once you get jealous of other peoples' travels, it'll be easier to overcome the down-sides.

    I'd try:

    If it all seems like too much work, maybe you're travelling too fast. Slow down, transit less and experience more.
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