
Travel Question: How many differnt ways to get from Dublin to Scotland?

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Can anyone help me if they know alternate ways to get form

Dublin to scotland...???

Someone told me that air (plane) was the only way to get from Dublin to scotland? is this true? if not what are my options?




  1. Flying will probably be cheapest but the least interesting if you are touring:

    Ryanair fly to Glasgow Prestwick; Aberdeen; Edinburgh;

    Aer Lingus fly to Glasgow; Edinburgh

    Aer Araan fly to Inverness (gateway to the highlands)

    You can also go by land/sea thus;

    Train Connolly-Belfast; ship to Stranraer (Scotland)

    Ship Dublin Port/Dun Laoghaire-Holyhead; train to Scotland (longer, certainly more expensive but more interesting_

    Ship Dublin Port-Liverpool; train to Scotland.

    Ship Dublin Port-Liverpool; taxi/bus to John Lennon airport; Fly to Aberdeen with Ryanair (summer only).

    So there might be more options that you first thought!

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  2. You can fly, or if you want to experience something different, go to Dun Laoghaire, take the ferry across the Irish Chanel to Wales, then head to Scotland by train.  You'll see some amazing sites from the train.

  3. look online

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