
Travel destinations?

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Where would you most like to travel?




  1. europe and uk

    so much cultural variation and history. i just love rome with its historical remnants of the great roman empire.

    i would also love to go to egypt and south america- i haven't been yet-maybe one day.

  2. i would love to go to guatemala........there lots of beautiful places there.............

  3. Hawaii, Florida, Tahiti, Australia, and New Zealand!

  4. Bohol, Philippines

    Tokyo, Japan

    Mexico City, Mexico

    Beijing, China

    Jeju island, South Korea

  5. I want to go to Mexico and some European countrys:France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, also Cuba.

    Oh it seems to me only dream. I cant vizit this countrys, what a pity!

  6. well i already travel to some parts of Europe but

    i hope i could now go to Portugal, Canada, England, Puerto Rico, and Brazil
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