
Travel hockey?

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ok listen up. i want to play travel hockey. but it cost a lot of money right this second for my family. so if i want to play i have to pay for some of the cost. and its a lot. so how do i get money quick im only 11?




  1. My son played travel hockey; Have your team do fund raisers. My son's team sold wreaths.  We also went to businesses and had them buy spots on a program. The program also had photos of the team.

  2. ive played travel hockey since i was like 10 so idk why people are saying that 11 is too young

    but umm idk

    ive never had to pay at all

    i guess you could like tell your parents youll like work it off by doing chores or something if you cant make the money in time

  3. You could, Dog sit, mow lawns, take cans in. maybe baby sit, sell a kidney, lemonade stands (it is the middle of summer), take care of a neighbors plants or animals, walk dogs, these are all things I did!

    Hope they help!

    Well actually I never did sell my kidney...

  4. your 11, probably playing squirt AA or peewee A. i have been playing hockey for 15 years, theres no reason to play travel yet wait untill bantam or play highschool.  the talent level is close to the same, so the only real differance is the amount of times you hit the ice each week.

  5. Wash cars, mow lawns, dog sit, lots of things to do when you're 11.

  6. Hit up the grandma, grandpa or any other family members.  I am sure if tell them you are wanting to play hockey many of them will help you out.  A little here, a little there and I you will be on your way.

  7. Why play travel hockey when your 11?

  8. my dad could afford me to play travel hockey but i don't any more i just play shinny hockey with my friends. do some fundraisers

  9. Try collecting at Neverland Ranch????  Many litte boys have made a lot of money there...

  10. you can have a lemonade stand, mow the lawn, pull weeds, crush cans, do chores around the house, sell things, idk....i hope this helps!

  11. Realistically, at 11 there's not much you can do. Not may people are going to trust an 11 year old to be responsible about anything. You could try dogsitting, mowing lawns and such, but you'll probalby have to wait a few years until you can make money.

    Sorry, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

  12. wash cars, dog sit, baby sit, sell your old stuff....

  13. get a sponsor from a local business..if you're good enough they prolly would do it

  14. i play travel also i would probly mow lawns lemonade stands  car wash. it costs a bit of money so if u dont have it for this year play house and if your good enough youll probly be chosen for select . so the u dont have to pay for dat

  15. umm i agree with the 1st answer-dog/cat sitting works for me i can make a lot of money in a week!  good for you for wanting to play travel hockey also lemonade stand and stuff

  16. Ok, I coach High School ice hockey and in my district we have a team for 7,8 and 9th grade kids. Although this team isnt as talented as some of the travel teams I have seen it is pretty close. If you havent been playing yet then your chances of making the NHL are pretty much over. If your school has teams play for them.

    If your school doesnt have hockey then travel is the way to go if you have some talent. There is no guarantee that you will make a travel team. There are plenty of in house leagues. They cost less but you will not get a ton of practice ice time.

  17. lemonade stand?

  18. mow lawns sell stuff do extra chores walk dogs maybe if a relative close to u could get u a job for the summer

  19. I saw a kid do this down where I live. He took time and made a bunch of key chains. He got the local grocery store to let him set up a table and he sold them to raise money for his hockey expenses. He also got a bunch of "tips" Just for trying. Maybe Dad and Mom can donate something to raffle off at the table as well. and sell tickets besides that. Just a thought.


  21. dude i think u need to wait till ur a little bit older, no joke

  22. Ok, listen up. Mow some lawns. Do some babysitting. Wash some cars.
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