
Travel/recreation industry set up to be "tubed" next in America??

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With the runaway taxation strategy & generous profiteering regarding respectively our government & petroleum excavation industry is the travel/recreation industry in the USA being set up for "leeeeean" times? With the increasing cost of "motoring" for recreation I see the above named industry in about as much demand as blacksmithing. I mean with the increased cost of both taxation & petroleum products the retired community on fixed incomes are going to have to find a new avenue of entertainment. I don't think hitchhiking is gonna cut it for the "snowbirds" crowd. Boating, off roading & travel in general certainly is feeling the crunch at present. What happens if the "rumors" of ten dollar a gallon gasoline becomes true? Would minimum wage & wages/retirements in general be inflated to compensate for the increased cost of our petroleum products? I mean at that cost the snowbirds would not be the only community to be getting tortured. Whats your take on this possible dilema?




  1. I dont think so

    I mean - it will be hit for sure in the short run - but you are asking for an overall picture - overall - means the entertainment industry in general - not just the travelers

    People will be taking vacations no matter what - where is the questions - as money gets tighter they will stay closer to home but they will will still be around

    They loss of an infux of money from travelers coming into a territory will be replaced with the influx of money from people who normally would leave but now stay home instead - as such - you might actually see an increase in tourism dollars rather then a decrease because local yocals will be discovering what was in thier backyard all this time.

    Sometimes its good that these things happen - it wakes up the people to the rotten events that government caused and increases stimulation in the market for newer technology - once that new tech becomes available at reasonable prices the artificial bubble will burst with no disaster anywhere

    The real problems arise when thier is no replacement - like with the tech buble of the 90's - once it burst thier was no new tech to replace it so we had themassive layoffs - the market is just now starting to feel the correction

    Or the housing bubble - caused by an overabundence of money - thier is no new tech to replace that money problem unless you change to a new currency - can anyone say amero - the houising crunch is here for several more years as the feds attempt to minipulate the market - as you can see - its not working

    What will they do next - probably try to get feds from other countries to follow thier suit so that its a soft landing rather then a hard one - they dont want a full blown depression because if it happens they know the blame will rightfully be at thier feet

    So with all that going on - how do the "snowbirds" cope - they do it around thier own home or they move thier home for one last time. It is highly likely that you will see a migration south in the near future as the snowbiirds come to the relation that if they want to retire they cannot do it in two places at once.

    More then likely they will leave their current houses to thier kids and move into thier vacation homes for themselves. Living off the rent from thier children in the old house - well - this is what i would do anyway - that way it doesnt cost me anything extra to keep both houses in the family

  2. I agree with you.....a big time recession is on the way and we can thank the big petro companies and their buddies no running Washington who protect them.

    The rich will always take their vacations, it is the mid to lower class Americans who will be hurt the most.  The airlines industry is already feeling the pinch...the rest will soon feel it also.

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