
Travel restrictions while on military leave?

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Fiance is FLYING out in a month to visit and while he is home on leave, we are getting married and DRIVING back to his duty station (Air Force). I am paying for his plane ticket out here (can't complain about $170 ticket lol) and he's paying to drive us, my vehicle and what belongings will fit into my vehicle, back to his duty station, which is 2500 miles give or take.

Initially we were hoping by driving straight through and taking turns, we could make it in 30+ hours.. or 2 days. Then I realized that I remembered there being a regulation regarding how many hours a day one can drive.


Are there regulations regarding time in travel?

Do the regulations regard time in VEHICLE or actual time the military member is driving? Is it hours or mileage?

It would be helpful if someone could post links I could read if you don't want to type it all out. Thanks everyone!!




  1. Drive time applies to DTY moves I believe.  There may be regualtions about the amount of hours he is allowed per day if the driving is part of his duty requirments, but I don't know of anything that would affect his off time.  My only suggestion would be to make sure you have some addtional "in case" time built into your travel plans so you aren't getting home in time for him to report to work!  Build in extra time in case of traffice, emergency stops, bad weather etc...easier to leave half a day earlier than for him to call and say he may not make it back on time to report for duty.

  2. drive time only applies to semi-truck drivers.  As long as either of you are awake and alert you can drive for as long as you choose to.

  3. If youare on PCS or TDY orders, they estimate you will drive 300 miles per day.

    While the military might actually have regulations on how far someone on leave is supposed to drive.

    No one ever obeys them.

    Forget it taking two days, it will take longer than that.

    Averaging 65 mph, thats 38 hours of driving.

    With gas, meal and bathroom stops, you will be lucky to average 65 mph.

    Figure on having to spend on night getting some sleep.

  4. official regs state 350 miles per day.  do people actually adhere to that?  uh no.  if he were driving an official vehicle then he better behave  

    what that means is, when he is on official orders( and he's not) he will only be reimbursed for 350/miles a day worth of travel time.    for instance:  when we PCsd from Monterey to Ft Meade. he was given NINE days travel time.   no matter how long it took to get there he would only be given mileage and per diem for nine days.( we took 12).  

    its technically a safety issue.  if he gets into a car accident and its proven he had driven more than 350 miles or longer than 8 hours when it happened, welll, then he could face problems.  

    2500 miles in two days is stupid.  it IS a safety issue.  double that.   we actually drove the 3000 miles  in Four days and were exhausted.

  5. There's no restriction on driving time for military members. Are you getting restriction confused for a mileage reimbursement? When an active duty military member is assigned to a new duty station, he has the option to drive there and be reimbursed for a certain amount of miles driven. The mileage is usually calculated from either the last duty station or from his official leave address to the new duty station.

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