
Travel to Vietnam from Australia.?

by Guest44636  |  earlier

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How much in Aud would I be looking at for a three week holiday. Including airfare, expenses. I will be staying in budget accomodation. Approximately.





    you can get much information in this website,kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time

  2. It depends on what part of Aus you are in.  From Perth a lot cheaper than from the east coast.   But... It is very inexpensive here.  rooms that are nice are around the $10 range and the Aus dollar is real strong and just about the same as the US dollar.  Changing at about 16000 dong.  

    If you give me a starting city I will try to get you a idea of costs.

    Alright, From Sydney... about $1500 US for air round trip.  Get your visa on line from for approx. $45, so its waiting for you at the airport. Budget at least $35 dollars a day and $50 would be safer.   And then what ever money you need to buy the stuff that everyone buys.  Warning, Stay away from Hoi An if you are a clothing person.  The best tailors around and everyone blows their budget here.

  3. well, first of all, it depends on when you are going. for example, if you are going at the end of the year, airfares will be more expensive compared to if you go middle of the year. this is because, a lot of people are going back to Vietnam to celebrate new years with family.

    so on average, airfares will cost around $1100, including visa, tax and all additional costs.

    budget accomodation, i'm not so well informed about...but compared to the $AU, it would be very cheap. I remember once, staying at a place that had bathroom, aircon, TV and twin beds that only cost like 50 bucks a night or something. and it was in the middle of the city as well, so it was very convenient and cheap.

    because currently $AU can get you like 14000 VN dong, the holiday would be pretty cheap.

    for three weeks, you'd probably travel alot. from north to south, and so that might cost a bit more.. food...easily affordable if you dont go to those really fancy restaurants, but each at cafes and the such.

    so all up...i'd say around 6 grand? maybe? it really depends on how much you are wanting to travel while in vietnam.

    have fun!

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