
Traveling 6 hours by car at 34 weeks pregnant?

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My hubby, 2 year old and I have just been invited at the last minute to go visit hubby's family 6 hours away! I've already turned down my own parents invite to go up north only 3 hours away because I don't really want to be away from home at 34 weeks pregnant. It's getting quite difficult to breath and sleep. I'm up so much peeing at night and for some reason I have diarrhea almost every morning. : (

No one on my hubby's side of family (except his parents that live 2 mins away) have met our 2 year old son yet. My hubby works 6 days a week so it makes it impossible to go visit them ever and every time we planned on going for Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter there was always a lot of snow coming so there is always something keeping us from going to visit his family.

Should I just deal with all the uncomfortableness that I will have over the weekend going to visit them? I duno what to do and we have to decide quick!




  1. People go into labor all the time around that time, that's kind of risky. Will u be stuck int he middle of nowhere at all? or is it all open highways? take that into consideration. what if something happens and your stranded out there? I would investigate first...  

  2. You know your own body if you think you can make the trip ok if not stay at home until baby's born then set up time for family to come see new baby.

  3. i think u should try but make sure he knows that u will have to stop to pee alot and riding in the car along time might give u a chance to sleep  

  4. My cousin is 33 weeks pregnant and our other cousin is getting married this weekend. She lives about 5 hours away and her doctor told her not to travel. I'm 23 weeks pregnant with twins and I'm going to the wedding, its about a 3 hour trip for me and I"m not looking forward to being away from home due to be uncomfortable.....peeing, sleeping, eating every 2 hours, being outta breath all the time.....   Have you talked to your doctor, he/she might advise you not to travel. And you should talk to him/her about your diarrhea.

  5. No stay home...there will be another chance for them to see both children in the should not be traveling...

  6. When I was heavily pregnant sitting in the car, even for short trips, was very painful. No one should expect you to make that trip. Send your apologies and arrange a visit another time. You need to home nesting. It sounds like you are feeling that way :)

  7. Say no. At times like this, you should think of yourself first. Maybe next time...

  8. I wouldn't go. Betwen your discomfort and the fact that you are pretty close to term, there are too many reasons to NOT go.

    Why not wait until after baby arrives?  Once past the newborn stage (maybe over Thanksgiving?) you could take both kids and go for a visit.

  9. NO WAY, make plans to go visit after the baby, everyone can meet both of your kids then.  You dont need to go be this uncomfortable at someone elses house, its hard enough to get any sleep in your own bed!  I would check with your doctor anyway, I cant imagine being in a car for 6 hours this far along would be all that good for you either.  

  10. Check with your OBGYN.  I was told to stay within 2 hours of home after 30 weeks - but that was 11 years ago - it may have changed.  If you do decide to go (I don't know that I would because you already turned your parents' invite down) make sure you stop to get out, walk around and use the bathroom every hour and a half to two hours.  If you sit too long, your feet and legs will swell.  You can always use the excuse that your doctor said it's too far to go so late in the pregnancy -then add, maybe after the baby is born.  (Newborns would sleep most of the way)

  11. If I'd turned down my family, I wouldn't go visiting hubby's... Could cause some very hard feelings, if discovered! Not only that, but some women have their babies at 34 weeks, and you will also be uncomfortable for that ride... Why can't they come to you? Makes more sense to me, than expecting an extremely pregnant woman (and young toddler) to travel by car, for 6 hours. (But, that's my opinion. :))

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