
Traveling (cruising) while pregnant or with a newborn?

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I've been married for nearly 8 years, I've known my husband for 11, and we have a 5 yr old son (will be 6 in July). We're also pregnant with our second child due in April. We've never been on a real vacation since we've known each other, not even on our honeymoon. We're now at a point where we're financially able to put the money aside for a nice vacation. We've waited so long to do something like this so we'd really not like to wait too very much longer to take advantage. Carpe Diem and all. I just wanted to know if anyone has ever cruised while they were pregnant or with a newborn less than a year and what the pros and cons to it were. Any suggestions would be appreciated.




  1. I went on a cruise during my second trisemester, which is the best time to travel during pregnancy.  You're over morning sickness (I didn't have any, but usually most women get it the first few months) and the danger of early miscarriage.  The third trisemester is off limits esp. past the seventh month.  They won't let you on the ship, just in case your water breaks early or you otherwise go into early labor.  Also be aware of anything you can't eat such as certain seafood and soft cheese -- both no no's for pregnant women.  check with your doctor about any restrictions.

    I had a great time.  I wasn't the only one sporting a maternity swimsuit aboard.

    As for the young un's, you have to do a lot of planning to make it work.  There are age restrictions and you won't be able to use the children's center.  You should make sure you bring on any baby supplies, as you can't depend on the cruiseline to supply diapers, formula, etc.

    After that cruise when I was 5 mos. along, we didn't go anywhere (aside from day trips to Sea World and Disneyland) until our girl was 23 months old.  We took a weekend cruise and we had fun.  She had fun exploring the ship and going to the production show (we took seats in the back just in case she got scared at the music).

    Just be aware that many other people picked a cruise to supposedly get away from kids.  You may get stares.  So just try to be considerate and if the kid is cranky, don't stay at the dining room table -- take the baby or toddler out.

  2. Alot of great answers....I travelled when my son was 6 mos old....It is tough because of all the stuff you need to bring.

    I went down a day early so I could shop in FL for things....but you

    need enough diapers, bottles, formula if not nursing, food, snacks

    a stroller, most ships have cribs, but cabins are so small its hard to fit in cabin.   No kids programs for baby or babysitting....most do not have private babysitting....just group babysitting.  I would say leave the baby home or don't go for a few far as

    travelling pregnant....most cruiselines have policy how far along

    you can be......and what fun can u have if your

    pina coladas or strawberry diaquaris.........Sad part is you pay full price for an infant that wont eat  a morsel of the food.......I brought

    baby food and pasta that the kitchen cooked for me.

  3. You can not travel when you are more than 24 - 26 weeks pregnant (depending on the cruise line).  If you travel with an infant be prepared to possible NOT have a babysitter for the cruise lines only offer babysitting on a volunteer basis.  Disney may be different, but I am not sure.  You will have fun none the less.  I know many people who have cruised with small children.

  4. First know that most lines won't let a baby travel who is less than 4 months. For others its 6 months. They won't let a pregnant woman cruise after 34 weeks.

    Cruising with newborn is like taking any other vacation with a new born. Just really hard to feel like its a real vacation especially for mom. Can you take the baby to dinner at night, and have a relaxing meal, get off at the stops with an infant etc. Also you don't get a break from the cruise lines just because its a baby. They would charge the same as the 5 year old.

    Its not that you can't but perhaps finding somone to keep the baby would be a better idea.

    You've waited this long just make sure the time is right.

    Another thought however is an all inclusive resort like Beaches or FDR in Jamaica. You would have your own nanny who could take care of the your kids and allow your husband an yourself to have some time together.

  5. When you go on a cruise, they won't let you on if you are 6 months or more pregnant.  But other than that, it depends on the cruise line you go on.  I would recommend Norwegian Cruise Lines.  They are the more family friendly cruise line and they aren't so fancy you worry if your son will break anything.  They also provide a  daycare.  As for your newborn, there isn't really anything to do on those ships you can't bring a baby along with except for the casinos, bars, and cigar bars.  I think that a cruise is honestly the best vacation for anyone any age.  I would recommend going on an Alaskan cruise.  I bet your son, as well as you and your husband, would love to see all of the whales and glaciers up there.

  6. Do everyone a favor and leave the kids at home.

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