
Traveling from Acapulco to Oaxaca, is there a bus or public transportation available?

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Need to know how to get from Acapulco to Oaxaca via the road (not flying). Does the road system go that direction and is there busses?




  1. Yes the buses run and tickets purchased at the Acapulco airport.

  2. Of course, you can take a bus they're cheap so i reccomend you to travel in first class the price is  low and they are way more comfortable, when i know ill be o the road for 2 or more hours i take the first class always

  3. if you are in acapulcro why dont you go to the bus stop n ask honey make sure they take u to the rite place

  4. YES... there are some excellent buses.. but be sure to take a FIRST CLASS bus... and be prepared to change buses at least once enroute

  5. There are not any direct buses to Oaxaca. That is a fact. You have to take a bus to Mexico City and from there to Oaxaca. It is a long, long trip, and the highways in Oaxaca are not very well constructed so be careful, do take first class buses and have a good time.

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