
Traveling from Guatemala all the way to Argentina:any sugested sites, recomendations or traveler´s advice?

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I would love to hear about great (and cheap) places to stay, foods and drinks to try, cites/towns to visit, little known sites, security sugestions, local markets, bus/train routes and anything you would find useful for such a trip.




  1. I just answered your Panama question but withdrew my answer.Judging by the questions you're asking, you seem to be looking for someone to plan an entire trip....Real or Imagined.That's a job for a travel agency or you.

    My best advice to you would be to find a budget/backpacker travel guide or two and read them first.

    I have traveled from the US through Central and South America many times and I have the feeling that you are just someone who has never left home and probably wont any time in the near future.Or as another poster indicated this is just a Homework Assignment and you want some one to do all the work for you .Anyone that 'really wanted' to travel would be anxiously doing their own serious research,not typing questions on the Internet for personal amusement.I'm sure someone desperate for points will come along soon and answer you  but I don't care about points. I answer because I see so many replies from people who have no practical experience and only post what they think someone like you wants to hear or worse inaccurate second hand information. No hard feelings, I hope you do get a chance to make your travel dreams come true,but I'm certainly not going to waste any more of my time answering your questions.... Good luck.

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