
Traveling to Costa Rica...?

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What vaccinations, shots or medication do I need before traveling to Costa Rica? How dangerous is it to not take any of them?




  1. Depends on where you are going...

    Most of the time you don't need anything.  I've been to CR a couple of times and after researching, took none of the vaccination or preventative measures.  However, if you are hiking around Limon or around the Nicaraguan border, you'll probably want to do the Malaria.  Dengue Fever is not epidemic, but there are cases - so be sure you were bug repellent.  If you want clear cut info on health and disease in CR I recommend this sight - I refer to it before all my trips...

  2. When I went I got Hep A and B jabs and typhoid as well. I had to make sure my TB jabs were up to date. I also got an anti-malarial drug too.

    You will definatly need lots and lots and lots and lots of bug repellant - I got eaten!

    Some people also have a rabies jab but I didn't bother with that.

    Have a lovely time.

  3. You need no vaccinations, shots or medication.  You can get anything you need at any local drugstore.  Don't worry, come on over and have some fun.  If you need more general information on Costa Rica, visit the TicosLand website.

  4. you dont need any shots man.

  5. You don't need any special shots for CR but bring bug repellent due to mosquito's carrying dengue fever.  And trust me you don't want this one !  It won't kill ya' but you'll wish it did.

  6. You don't need a thing......I've lived here for three years and never had a problem of any kind...

  7. We just got the Hepatitis vaccines before we went, because you never know about contracting it from food not handled properly.  I think we also got anti malaria drugs, but didn't need them.  Better to be prepared....

    However, I would read the CDC web page on vaccinations for Costa Rica before you go.  There are some that are "recommended" but not required, but you can use your own judgement.

  8. I recommend you to take your shots when YOU travel ANYWHERE outside of the U.S.

    Si, my country is clean and some parts could be a little better... as with any country! However, the sights are beautiful depending on where you go. The music is great and the food is even better...

    You will be treated like family...

    no matter your ethnic background, skin color...

    Costa Ricans treat people in a very respectable manor....

    Before you travel you will need to call your physician and ask him/her the appropriate shots you will need. In addition, if you choose not to your putting your health at risk!!!

    As with any place YOU choose to travel.

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