
Traveling to Costa Rica with dired fruit???

by  |  earlier

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I am leaving from CA on Friday to visit a friend who just moved to Costa Rica. I made him a bunch of homemade, dried fruits -bananas, mango, and plums. Does anyone know... can I get through customs with dried fruit? If so, what is the best way? Should I put it in my checked luggage or carry it on?




  1. You should have no problem with either one, I know lots of people who have brought dried fruit.   I don't know CR laws but they don't usually go through tourist's bags--it will make no difference where you put it, checked and carry-on will all go through customs together.

  2. you should worry too much about the fruit.

    1) you will have overloads of all the fruit you mway want

    2) you should worry more about the insane driving once you get here. it will make your hair fall out.

    sorry. i live here. and that is really the only flaw.

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