
Traveling to Ireland, have a couple of questions??????

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So I'm planning a trip to Ireland in April so I have a couple of questions---

1) What should I expect with the weather?

2) Should I pack rain boots?/Which ones do you recommend?

3) We want to do horseback riding through the Wicklow mountians, where/who would be a good choice to do that with?

4) How safe is Ireland for three girls?

5) If I buy stuff would it be better to shop the items back to the states or just shove them in suitcase?

6) How expensive is

7) Should we plan a trip for seven days or ten days?

8) How friendly are the Irish? As in meeting people?

9) Any pointers or tips?

10) Are there any places you would recommend to see other that the obvious tourist things?

Thank you all who respond




  1. I went to Ireland and the first thing I noticed was how God awful expensive it was. I think I went in November and it rained almost everyday. It's a beautiful country however and worth a trip with proper planning. I was in the south west portion near Cork.

  2. 1 - The Irish weather is REALLY unpredictable these days. April I think tends to be relatively dry. But if you're planning on going to the Wicklow mountains than rain boots (is that the same as hiking boots?) would be a good idea. Otherwise day to day trainers would be fine.

    3 - never been horseback riding in Wicklow myself but I'm sure theres plenty of places. This place sounds nice -

    4 - I'm a girl living in Ireland and I find it quite safe. Just take all the usual precautions - ie dont walk alone at night, stay away from dark alleys and dont take to strangers!

    5 - emmm... I guess just shove them in your suitcase!

    6 - very. Clothes etc are really expensive here, you're better off being the stuff in the states!

    7 - depends how long you want to stay and what you want to do! I'm gonna say 10 days!

    8 - I think we're friendly!

    9 - Emmm... cant think of anything!

    10 - Doyles (in Dublin) on a Wed/Thurs night for the student life! Oh and the pav in TCD.

  3. I know everyone says that Ireland is expensive and yep I have to agree it is.

    BUT we have department stores here called 'Penneys' and they are really cheap for clothes etc. No brand names but you can get tops etc for only a few Euro. My sister in law whos from America but living here now says that Penneys is way cheaper than Target.

    Hope this helps

  4. 1) weather in the north can be really cold..  definately bring coats and light jackets cause occasionaly its ok weather

    2) rain boots? well if youre going mountain walking or through grassy areas then yea.. waterproof would be good.

    3) in wicklow go to a near by stables and ask about it. it should be fine.

    4)Ireland is pretty safe. but as like every city, there's lots of people and dublin is quite cosmopolitan. its as safe as any other place.

    5) whatevers best.. lol

    6) i've heard stuff is cheaper in the states than ireland... but its not that expensive.. but bring lots of money cause there are nice shops.

    7)i say 10.. cause its a long way to go for just 7 days. but then maybe you might get bored.

    8)irish are really friendly. the smaller the town the friendlier. in small towns its usually polite to smile or say hello to passer bys.. or even in the shops they just ask how are you? ofcourse theyre are not so nice people but you get that anywhere..

    9)definately hit the shops in dublin.. and belfast if you want.

    10) im not really sure here abouts you are going but they're are nice waterfalls in sligo and a couple in donegal. the donegal hills are nice but not really that exciting, but there is a place in clonmany donegal where you can learn about the famine and be taken round these old houses.. so that might be interesting.

    i dont know if this helps. i live in derry myself! go to and you might find other good stuff to do.. lol hope you have a nice time xox

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