
Traveling to Palenque, Chiapas Mexico, and the Palenque Ruins??

by Guest58547  |  earlier

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We are planning a trip to Mexico and we will likely be staying at the Chan-Kah Resort Village near the ruins site. Have you been? How was it? Are they many places to eat and shop, do touristy type things? How far is it to a nice beach? If you have any information regarding your own personal trip, not just from a website, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!!!




  1. Palenque is a long way from the coast, so you wont be able to get to a nice beach that easily, unless you want to travel to another city.

    There are some nice waterfalls up past the Palenque ruins complex which are great for cooling down at after a morning climbing the ruins. You can take a collective taxi to them from the ruins (or Palenque City) for a dollar per person one way.

    Tours are available to the ruins and waterfalls, but I think that these would be a waste of money. It's far cheaper to take a collective to the ruins and then the waterfalls yourself. If you want a guide when you get to the ruins, English speaking guides cost something like $35.

    Inside the ruins complex, there are heaps of stalls set up with locals selling what they claim to be "handcrafts". The truth is, most of the stuff is overpriced and has been made in a factory somewhere. You're better off trying to buy from local artisans and craft stores in Palenque City than buying at the ruins as the quality of the work is better, the range is bigger, and you might even get a better price.

    Have fun. Palenque are my favourite ruins in Mexico.

  2. I also stayed at the maya tulipanes and also likes the restaurant :P:P:P

    Palenque is not a big town and there r juss few thngs 2 do, u can juss buy handicrafts...i suggest u 2 try the coffee cause its so good there, i bought a chiapas blend tht i liked so much.

    The Palenque ruins r so impressing, its a big place and it worth it 2 take a guided visit.

    Frm there u can take a tour 2 Misol Ha and Agua Azul....if ur gonna b in Chiapas u can also visit San Cristobal de las Casas, its a nice place and frm there u can take a tour to San Juan Chamula and el Cañon del Sumidero.

  3. I don't know the Chan-Kah Resort Village but my wife and I were in Palenque in November of 2007. There are places to eat and shop though it's not like a typical touristy town so shops may not have things to your taste. Though I'm not sure what your taste is exactly. Chiapas is a relatively rural and poor state so you are not going to see Gucci and Cartier. But if you are looking for local handicrafts then you may be in luck.

    We stayed at the Maya Tulipanes hotel and while the rooms were basic, they were clean and the court yard and the restaurant there were really good. Even if you are not staying there I would totally recommend the restaurant.

    I'm not sure about distances to a beach, I think it may be quite far. Though for water activities there are lots of waterfalls, kayak tours, eco-tours offered in the area.

    We went to the water falls at Misol-Ha, about 35 minutes from town that was very impressive. I've also heard that Misol-Ha pales in comparison to the falls at Agua Azul, slightly further away but we just didn't have time to see both and the ruins.

    Also, you should also try too see the ruins at Yaxchilan & Bonampak. It would be a day trip from your resort in Palenque but it's a very unique experience. You need to take a hour or so boat ride on the Usumacinta river to get to Yaxchilan. That is a great trip in itself.

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