
Traveling to Paris for the first time need advice!?

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I am a American student who is planning on go to Paris for a week. I was just wanting some advice. I heard that a lot of people in France are rude. Is this really true or is this just a stereotype. My French is not that good but I am willingly to try to speak the language. If I try do you think people will be nice or nicer? Thanks




  1. Bonsoir  dîner au restaurant de la tour Eiffel est assez cher

    tu as tellement de bons restaurants rue du Commerce en face du Champ de Mars où tu manges très bien pour environ

    15 €,  1/4 de vin ou 1/4 de d'eau minérale compris...

    une chambre d' hôtel coûte entre 30 et 40 € la nuit...

  2. get a handbook, get a date, go out at night with your date infront of the Effle tower and have a French Meal

  3. I have been to France 5 times and except for one single individual in southern France did not experience any rude behavior.  In fact quite the opposite.  

    I DO speak some french so I agree with the person who said try a  little bit.  You'll be rewarded for your effort.

    Be cautious, because there is a criminal element (it IS a large city).  Ask a friendly english-speaking local what neighborhoods you should avoid.  

    Have a blast.

  4. First of all I'm so jealouse! Second if they are rude to you just go as a good represenative of your country! Other than that be street smart you have to watch out for things & people where ever you go,  Also don't put all your eggs in one basket so to speak! if you get robbed paris is a long way from home to be broke .I always put a little insurance back aside just incase. My sister did not do this when she went to florida & was robbed blind when someone broke into her hotel room. She now hides a litle insurance stash when she goes on a trip too!

  5. I, too, am very jealous!  I love Paris and have been there several times.  In my opinion, people there are no more rude than in any other large city.  It's a great idea to speak as much French as you can manage.  Don't be upset if someone corrects you, though, because that is their way of helping you.

    Different cultures have different standards of what is considered polite behaviour, you must understand.  In the US, you probably wouldn't expect to walk into a shop and say hello to whomever is behind the cash register, but in France, you must always say hello and goodbye.  Whenever you enter a store or cafe/brasserie, always say bonjour or bonsoir.  When you leave, always say bonne journee, bonne soiree, or au revoir.  

    Also, always use please (s'il vous plait), thank you (merci), and you're welcome (de rien or je vous en prie) whenever appropriate.

    As long as you're polite and respectful, you'll be okay.  If you run into a jerk, just remember that could happen anywhere.  

    Have fun!!!

  6. My first word of advice is to sew a Canadian flag to your backpack or something.

    It is true that some people in Paris are rude. I went to this restaurant and jeez I have never been treated like that before in my life! But other than that, it wasn't really all that bad. I was with a bunch of people so there wasn't a time where I really had to interact with a person for too long. But if you are going by yourself, it could be a little bit more difficult.

    Since you are willing to try to speak French, I'm sure it won't be too bad.

  7. Generally, the French are very proud and it seems they are rude (and some of them are, indeed ). But, if you try to speak "your" french, if you are polite, if you say "Bonjour/Bonsoir Madame/Monsieur", "Merci", "Pardon", it will be O.K. So, enjoy your trip, you have a lot to see and to do. Bon voyage !

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