
Traveling to canada next year partner has hair drier and curler 240volt and I have elec shaver phone charger?

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keeping in mind airline weight limits what is the smallest transformer i will need 110/240v to bring with me




  1. Many electric shavers  have a dual-voltage circuit built-in, which means you simply change the switch position and you can use it on 110 volts.  Inspect your shaver to see if it has such a circuit. If not, then look for the current draw/amperage rating and buy a suitable transformer. (it is specified in watts)

    As to the others...perhaps the best advice is leave them at home, because most such items use a lot of current and a  transformer capable of that much current draw will very likely be both expensive to buy and heavy in weight, a concern you already recognize in your asking about airline limits.

    To learn about what transformer is required Inspect all your items for their electrical draw/current needs. There is always a label on electrical items that gives this information.

    Note also that  some driers may have dual-current capability, but that is unlikely for curlers. Again, inspect your own item to see what is available on it already.

    In the last year  many airlines lowered their passenger baggage weight limits to 23kg/50 pounds per passenger to/from Canada and you could find that you have to leave other items behind to accommodate the weight of the transformer, or pay extra for the overweight bag.

    Check out the price/weight of a transformer that will deliver the wattage necessary for your items, then compare that with the cheap prices available for curlers and driers..Some are more expensive, but to meet temporary needs you could look at the lower end, where you can get both items for a total cost of CA$40.


    Also note you will find "drier" will be spelled "dryer" on the package.


  2. In Canada, you will need the 110V version. Check on your dryer, shaver, curler, etc if they have switches on them that allow them to be used in a 110V system instead.

    I could not suggest what to bring for a transformer, but I could suggest what NOT to bring. With airlines cutting back on baggage sizes and weights, you may want to leave most of these items at home.

    Many hotels now offer electric hair dryers mounted in the bathroom. Instead of the electric shaver, your partner could buy disposable razors at a local pharmacy along with a small can of shaving cream. The only thing that would be hard to find would be a hair curler, but you can buy ones here that are not that expensive $(10-15) which run on 110V.

  3. I'm travelling that way next year as well. I recently bought a small adapter from a Kathmandu store. It is very light and takes up very little room.

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