
Traveling to the UK with a past minor UK conviction as an American?

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I lived in West London and was a victim of a hate crime and got assualted by hoodies. However, when the police came they found an American swiss army knife in my bag and convicted me of "Possession of a Bladed Article" and did community service back in summer of 2005. I am know going to Ireland and London, UK next week. Do you think I will have any problems with Customs or Home Office. Most of my English friends tell me not to worry, but with the new laws I am nervous?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. . . . .




  1. well if u did yr commservice and arent liable to be carrying weapons , I cant see any difficulties

  2. I am English, and I think you should believe your english friends, but if you want to be certain, why don't you call the UK embassy. They should be able to tell you how you stand.

  3. One word of advice, security is very high in this country and i find it higher here than in the US becasue the terrorists are wanting a 9/11 style attack in Britain because 7/7 even though tredful they claim not enough people died. After the 2006plot to blow up airlines across the atlantic they are extremely strict. DO NOT, bring any knifes or what ever with you as they are taking knife and gun crime in this country very seriously in 2008 after the amount of kids being killed by knife and gun crime in London. You are only alowd to bring a small amount of liquid in a see trough bag. Well really just make sure you have nothing out of the ordinary on you because they wont let u in if you do especialy with a small conviction. Go on the Home Office wepsite or HMRC(Her Magesties revenue and costoms) wepsite. Look at the securty messures on what ever airport you landing at. Good Luck.

  4. if there was a problem it would have undesirable stamped on your passport, so if thats ok your sound just go ahead and come, usually it's ok so long as you haven't served a prison sentence

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