
Traveling with 2 8 wk puppies?

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So, I was blessed to have adopted 2 little 8 wk fuzz balls this week! It wasn't planned, but I did have a road trip planned for this upcoming holiday weekend up PCH from LA to Monterey Bay. I found a hotel that allows pets, but how can I prepare for such a long road trip? Stops are a given, but I'm not even sure if they make leashes small enough for teenie weenie pups! Can someone help me out?

If anyone out there is experienced in this, can you please provide a helpful list as to what I will need? I'll be forever grateful! I need help from peeps that actually know!

Thanks in advance!




  1. Make sure she has her shots, because if she doesnt then she will be prone to diseases. Make sure that the hotel you are staying in, allows dogs.

    Try going on like a 15 minute ride first, to see if the puppy is carsick. Because if will be a long ride if your puppy is throwing up the whole way. You can give your dog meds to prevent this, from your vet. If you will be driving, and are the only ones in the car, make sure to keep them in a kennel so that they dont jump in your lap while you are driving. Do not feed your puppy 12 hours before you leave to help with car sickness. Only give your pup water while on the trip. Make sure to stop for 10-15 minutes every hour or so.

    Always make sure to bring your puppies familar things;


    *Same Food




    Good things for bringing your pet;

    *including your pet on the outings

    *having fun with pup

    *not having to leave the dog at a strangers house, or a kennel

    *your pup would love to be outside all the time

    Bad things;

    *prone to more diseases, if he doesnt have his shots

    *he may bark, and wake up neighboors,

    *might be carsick

    Things to make sure you bring;




    *Familair Toys



    *Their food dish

    *Blankets(if it's cold)

    *Your puppy's shot records(some hotels require this!)

    *Make sure to always keep your puppy within your sight

    During the day, if u plan on leaving your puppy in the room, make sure to keep them in crates, so that they dont tear up the room. Also make sure that you put the do not desturb sign on the door so that the puppy isnt disturbed my housekeeping.

  2. I would suggest kenneling them, rather than traveling. You will have to stop every half hour in order to have them use the restroom at the right time. Travel is very stressful, and since they are still babies, you don't know how they'll react in the car.

    While you're traveling, you're exposing them to different diseases that they may not have been vaccinated for yet, and you don't want to allow them the possibility to catch a deadly or crippling disease.

    Is it absolutely required that you take them? Or are there no kennels in your area? If you absolutely have to take them, then you'll have to stop every half hour (when they're awake). Don't stop on the side of the road (if you can help it), stop in areas that have manicured grass and make sure to wipe their feet off with antibacterial wipes. Keep their outside exposure to a minimum.

    Crate them while they are in the car. Don't let them stumble around where they may get hurt (from simple stops or gear changes), or distract you while you're driving. Buy them the kennel-safe water bottles (they look like pumped-up hamster bottles). Only feed them twice a day, as you normally would. If you can, when you make stops feed them. Make sure you set aside at least an hour to play with them.

    I'm unfamiliar with that area, how long IS this trip exactly?

  3. You need a crate for safe travel, bowls for water and food, food (and you need to try and keep them on whatever they're eating now to prevent diarrhea), leashes (and yes they make very tiny ones), a few toys to keep them occupied, bags for picking up their p**p, some kind of bottle to keep water in so you've always got it available, and some kind of bedding for the crate.

  4. well, my puppy traveled 2 hours when we were getting her home, and she wasnt feeling all that god.but she enjoys driving now.i think ur dog should be fine.

  5. they make plenty of leashes...i think you should bring

    2 spilll proof bowls (make sure they can actually stick their heads in)


    potty pads

    and a little bed

  6. i took my dog on a 12 hr. road trip when she was 7 wks. old, they do make small leashes, you can even use a cat collar and leash for now. i  used a small laundry basket and put a towel in the bottom behind my seat and my pup loved it, throw in some toys and yours will be fine you can also use a dog crate.also  bring puppy treats and water and dog bowls. and stop for them to take a walk at least every 2 hrs.

  7. They're going to throw up in your car...puppies hate car rides. Be sure to have at least 5 plastic bags ready.

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