
Traveling with cockatiel ...?

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We have a cockatiel and I was wondering if we could bring him along with us in the car when we go visit my moms friend on the weekends. His cage his too big to fit in the car but we have this old parakeet cage that we could bring with us and keep him in there for the weekend. Would this be okay? Or would he get too stressed?




  1. the bird will get stresed and could die, so dont travel with your bird!!!! Get a trust worthy person to take care of it.....

  2. Such a confined space would no doubt stress him out.  tiels can survive 2-3 days alone with adequate food and water, so if you are just leaving for no longer than 4 days, he should be fine alone.

    THere are extra food and water providers you can purchase at any pet store for extra food and water.

    If you needed to transport him, you should use a show box or something that is small and dark.  Darkness is a comfort to them, because they can't see, so they relax.  And it might be okay to leave your tiel in the parakeet cage for a few hours, but no longer than, say, 3 hours.

    Best of luck,


  3. Hello.

    I have had a total of 8 birds, right now I have two cockatoos and two cockatiels.

    Now, you have to consider how your bird will react to either thing. One of my cockatiels is so attached to me that he gets stressed when I leave for long periods of time. While the other cockatiel does not like new environments, so he is easily stressed when moved around.

    I would try to think about how your cockatiel has reacted in the past and not about how much you would love to take him. =)

    The cage should not be a problem for a few days if you choose to take him, while you should let him out and play with him over the weekend. If you choose to leave him behind it is possible for him to live comfortably with ample food for the weekend. However, it would be better to get someone to check on your bird/feed him.

    I hope you enjoy your trip. :)

  4. Bring the bird.  The bird would probably like being around people than sitting at home alone.  When you get where you are going, just put the bird on top of the cage, he will be fine there.  You can even feed him on top of the cage. Just put him back in the smaller cage for sleeping.  He will be fine.  Wouldn't you rather go with the family also?

  5. Your bird will undoubtedly feel more comfortable staying home in familiar surroundings!  A travelling tiel may become a sickly tiel from the stress of new situations.  Instead, try to find a friend who would be willing to stop by and check in on your tiel occasionally over the weekend.  They can change his water, refill his food dish, remove spoiled or soiled food, and just keep him company. Also leave the phone # of your avian vet or emergency vet in case your friend has any concerns or questions.  I wouldn't leave him to himself without visitors, however--if he were to get a nightfright, as tiels sometimes do, he could injure his wing or leg, and he wouldn't be discovered until you arrived home 2 days later.  Leave him home, but find a friend or neighbor who will check in on him often.

  6. That should be okay for only two or three days. I take my three caiques with me to visit my cousin in North Carolina, and I take a cage that's made for a cockatiel. They all ride in it for the road trip and all three of them do just fine in it for the three or four days I'm there -- but I don't make them stay in it the whole time. I let them out into the room so they can stretch their wings and play with me, to work out some of the stress of being cooped up. Normally, they have nearly complete freedom out of the cage when I'm home.

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