
Traveling with my 16month old /6 hour flight/?

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from all the experienced parents I would like suggestions on toys or anything else that I could bring on the plane to entertain my very active 16 month old girl. We will be on the plane for 6+ hours and I already know from a previous experience that a nap will probably not happen...

Thank you.




  1. I'm not a parent myself, but I am a frequent flyer and have seen all kinds of babies on the flights. I have seen what works and what doesn't. On my most recent flight, i was incredibly impressed with a couple that brought their baby. I think their trick was just to give non-stop attention to the baby. Don't try to watch the movie or read a magazine. Read a book to your baby, bring their favorite toys and snacks. You'll be fine, though.

  2. Brand new toys and books are what worked for me when I took my daughter on two 16 hour flights.  Also, the stewardess made an excellent suggestion that really worked ... let your daughter put playing cards, one by one, into one of the air-sickness bags (un-used, of course).  She spent at least an hour total just taking cards from my hand and dropping them into the bag.  Just make a little game out of it.

    On both flights, she did not sleep a wink ... even though I tried sleep deprivation beforehand.  Travel is just too stimulating for little ones.

  3. I would suggest a portable DVD play. Not sure if allowed but it might work. If not anything that is small and not too noisy. Good luck and just try and provide multiple toys and maybe some snacks.  

  4. What works for us -

    New toys (either new or ones that were put away for awhile befor ethe trip so they seem new).  Toys that engage as much as possible, in particular.  If your daughter draws/colors yet, bring crayons and a drawing pad (not loose paper).  Ours just started a bit ago.  Books - particularly favorite books and ones that have lots to look at and talk about.  Snacks - in the easiest to use form for both parent and toddler.  Bottle/sippy ready and waiting especially if your daughter doesn't breastfeed.  

    Watching activity out the window while loading/unloading is entertaining for our two, also.

    A previous answerer is right - plan to entertain.

    And we haven't used one, but a portable DVD player is really a good idea if your daughter is interested.

    I'm so sorry if napping won't happen!  We've been fortunate to have plane-sleepers but we've been on long flights without a lot of sleeping, too.  

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