
Traveller´s Diarrea?

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I think I got the nasty desease for the second time here in Peru. What are the name of the pills I need to get again?? Is Ciproflox for the cure and Endocet for the pain ok? And you´re not supposed to eat, just drink a lot right? Thanx guys.




  1. Take Cipro - I think it is Ciproflaxin.  Diarrhea is very common when you are in another country.   Don't worry as long as you don't have blood in the stool.  And just be careful of what you are eating and drinking.  I have lived in Central America for about a year now, and I had problems with this for a while, but now I am much more accustomed to the food, etc. and sometimes get Traveler's diarrhea when I come back to visit the states.  Crazy, huh!  Just shows you how your body can adjust.  :)

  2. Cipro, endocet and lots of water.

  3. Cipro is the pill you want.  Luckily you can just walk into a farmacia anywhere and get it without a prescription.  I had a horrible experience in Nicaragua trying to tell a pharmacist that I had diarrhea when I didn't know the Spanish word for it.  I ended up having to act it out ... it was pretty embarrassing, but also funny now that I think about it!  

    You can totally eat anything (if you feel like it) but be sure to drink tons of water and replace the electrolytes in your body with something like Gatorade or a powder purchased at the drug store.  I honestly think that it's really hard to avoid getting sick in some places, even if you're very diligent about not drinking the water, avoiding raw vegetables, no ice, etc.  I was fine in Peru but I had a h**l of a time in Central America ... luckily your body starts to build up a resistance after a while.  My sister lived in Central America for a few years and she ended up being fine drinking the tap water after about six months.  

    Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!

  4. You must have drank the water over there did you?

  5. suck it up white boy.....

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