
Travelling around france...?

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which cities would you pick to travel/work in to get the best french experieince for a few months in each city? which would you choose out of the following in addition to paris?












i know all of france is different, but which would be best for someone wanting to learn about all the best parts of france? any other suggestions?




  1. Based on that I have been to most on your list I would choose Nantes, Aix-en Provence, Lyon and Strasbourg...

    Though there are a number of smaller cities I would choose over  those except for Aix.

    Nantes would let you be near the coast and explore the West of Paris, Aix-en Provence, would give you access to the Med coast as well as Provence, Lyon would be access to the Alps to the East, and the rolling countryside surrounding, as well as the Northern Rhone area and Strasbourg of course is Alsace a completely unique area in itself.

    Good luck


    I lived there for a few months and I absolutly adored it!! its an amazing city very close to Germany (a few walking minutes away) I absolutly recommend it, in fact you cant go without being there, the Alsace its great.

    Other than that you should deffinetly try Provence, french people are really friendly and the mediterranean its amazing, south french are really nice people.

    I hope you enjoy your experience, let me tell you that you should be carefull with the parisians, they can be really... well you will see.

  3. Try the Loire Valley and go see all the beautiful chateaux. (Such as Cheneauceu) that might be spelt wrong. They are amazing. Oh and in Paris get a guide for Versailles and try to go on a bus tour. Trust me you will learn SO much more. I just went to France and I used EF tours. I LOVED IT. Have Fun!!!

  4. Hi there, i'm a parisian and I traveled a lot in my country so let me tell you what I know and you'll check on internet after.

    In the north, Lille is great, old belfroi, beautiful central city, and you can see there one of the most famous Vauban 's fortification.  It is near London Bruxelles and Amsterdam if you want to go for a day out or a week end, it can also allow you to go to Bruges, called "la venise du nord" north venisia, it's a really romantic city.   Then you should also go to the "côte d'opale" it's the north coast wich is quite easy to reach from Lille.

    In the east,  which you can now reach  by TGV from Paris I recommand you Nancy and it's "place stanislas" and Strasbourg, where there is a beautiful Cathedral and the European PArliament , you can reach from here some German cities, but I must say that I don't really know them.

    Midle of France, the "bords de Loire" which is a River, are famous for their natural beauty, there are the castles to see of course, and some beautiful cities like Nevers and the Morvan (old mountains) if you want to do some great walks. If you enjoy to walk, you should go in the "Massif central" (Central mountain) I go next to the gorge du tarn wich are amaizing !  

    Now for the cities, you must see Lyon of course, in the South I recommand many things: 1st you must see Avignon , and Aix en provence, you should go to Marseille, then walk a litle bit in the Calanque. If you can, go to Corsica, Which is the most beautiful Island of the World. We call it the "île de beauté" Beauty Island.  Cannes is nice, and Nice also even though i don't know it.  If you can go in the Camargue region.

    You must go to Bordeaux, its beaches, which are quite spectacular, and the "dune du Pillar" (tape it on yahoo or google), or the "bassin d'Archachon".  In the Ouest, I recommand you the Noirmoutier Island, and the Vendée Region. And in Britain You have to see the mont St Michel and St Malo. And, finally, Normandy which is one of the most beautiful region of France : for that I recommand you the coast deauville , or else, and if you want you can make a D Day turn in all the museums of the region, beaches like Omaha, etc. And in Caen there is a Memorial which is quite good.

    In Paris, please do not go to Disneyland, and instead of it see the Versaille palace!!

    I forgot to mention the alps, if you have some money, you should go in the Vanoise parc. And If you have money and that it is winter; then go at Courchevel or Meribel, or other rich  ski stations.

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