
Travelling cheap. Where and how?

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I'm 18 and Im travelling with my 21 year old boyfriend soon. Im trying to find out how to stay in Australia cheap. Anywhere safe. I live in Canada and I want to stay for at least 3 months. Are there any ways to live out there without having to spend alot of money?

And where?

Thank you




  1. Sorry Alex, but that is a really dumb idea.  Your cheapest option will be to do what lots of other young backpakers do - stay at youth hostels and if you want to move around buy a Greyhound bus pass.  Hostels are clean, safe and cheap  (cheapest if you are prepared to stay in a dormitory style room, more for double rooms or private bathrooms).  There is a lot of casual work going so you can earn some money while you are here.    Being under 30 you can get a one year work visa  (organize it before you come).  Just try googling youth hostels Australia or backpacking Australia for some ideas.

  2. i think that the best thing would be is to find like a condo or something that u could rent for like 3 months

  3. Liz is pretty right although getting a work visa from usa to australia is super hard. Trust me, my husband and I are constantly jumping from australia and america (hubbies an american). So what alot of backpackers do that travel to australia is get cash in hand work which is not hard to find if you do stay in hostels (backpacker accomodation). Talk to the other backpackers and you can get jobs picking apples or labouring jobs for guys easily and it fun as you meet heaps of awsome people with great stories.

    But you definitly gotta travel around and not stay in one area and if staying at backpacker hostels you can get trips with others in the cars they bought, just shout them some petrol money and your company. It's super fun and cheapest for of transport. Also buses are you next cheapest if you get stuck somewhere.

    But don't plan your trip too much, you have way more fun just making it up as you go. Also you get a 3 month visa to australia (very easy to get) you can get it extended for another 3 months easily within australia just make sure to do it before your old one expires.

    Start from Sydney as thats probably where you land and if it was me I would head north for QLD and see where your travel take you. HAVE FUN!

  4. There is an organization called WWOOF which stands for Willing Workers On Organic Farms. It is a very cheap way to travel and see the real Australia and meet Australian families, you get accommodation and meals in exchange for about four hours work. There are plenty of hosts all over Australia to chose from, anyway check it out at


  5. Hello,

    The best option for you both are to stay in the YHA (Youth Hostels of Australia) which are fairly cheap and reasonable rooms. They are located right across Australia and they also have notice boards where you can find someone who you can get a lift with including tourist attractions in the area.

    To find out more about YHA you can visit their website at:

    YHA - Youth Hostels of Australia:

    I have stayed a number of YHA's around the country and they were pretty good.

    You can pick from dorm rooms, private rooms, private rooms with private bathroom, family rooms and a number of other rooms available. Best thing to do is to check their website and they also offer discounts on travel by bus and other means of transport.

    If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me on the details below.

    Thank you

    From Clint

    (Discover Australia)


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