
Travelling for extended stay in italy - climate, scenery, fashion etc? advice?

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okay, im going to be starting my last year of high school, so gap year is coming up really soon. me and two other friends are planning to go to italy for a while, not a holiday really, it will be more like 6 months of back packing, and our main stop will be almost 3 months in italy.

so obviously we will need to begin planning soon.

so what is the climate like in different parts of italy, and the weather, and scenery? which cities are worth our while to spend a bit of time at?

also, another BIG part of going to italy, obviously, is the fashion their. apparently their very big on it. so what kind of things should me and my friends wear? our time their would be spring and summer. would it be alright to wear short shorts and summer dresses, and things like that? what kind of clothes are in fashion there and are commonly accepted??

thanks for all your help!




  1. si dice di noi: IL BEL PAESE, quindi tranquilla! clima, gente, divertimenti, qui da noi è tutto stupendo! ciao

  2. this is good:

    also try yahoo travel.

    it gets hot here in late spring/summer so bring a lot of light, flowy clothing. if you come to italy first though, bring sweaters because it can cool at night depending on where you are. i recommend knee-length skirts [hoochie jean skirts/shorts are not appropriate for visiting churches and also look ridiculous; also wear a shirt that covers your shoulders or bring a wrap to wear for churches, otherwise you will not be let in], dark jeans, sun dresses, polo shirts, gladiator sandals, flats, sunglasses [italians ALWAYS wear sunglasses], dressier tops, a nice bag and heels. italians look good even when going to the grocery store.

    men also dress nicely at all times [in case one of your friends is a guy, ha]. dark jeans and suit shirts/dressier shirts are staples, as are dress shoes or fancier [if they can get fancy] tennis shoes.

    at night, step it up a notch. silk blouses and summer dresses are most popular, almost always worn with heels - flip flops are rare. accessories [gold and silver; no chunky tacky pieces] are also very popular. men wear dress pants and suit shirts, again with nice shoes.

    if you don't want to be laughed at, don't look like a typical tourist: hat, white tennis shoes, socks, big tshirts, baggy shorts, etc. try and speak the language too - we appreciate it when people try. :)


  3. The weather can be hot or cold, no in between. Your either in shorts, or wearing a rain coat. You have to go to Florence! The best scenary you will ever see, its amazing. Venice, great shops, did some nice souvenior shopping there. Rome of course, the vatican.

  4. I traveled to Italy a couple of years ago and the weather there is really nice. I usually wore shorts and tank tops, and I carried a lightweight sweater in case it got cold. If I remember correctly the people I saw must have been normal folk because they wore jeans, shirts, except some people wore some business suits, so it depends. Just have fun and enjoy your stay. I am sure it must be exciting to just head to a place and stay there for some time.

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