
Travelling from Sydney to Brisbane- how long approx do you think this would take? (i have 28 days. realistic?)

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Hi, travellyin up the East coast this summer. We have 28 days and whilst we would like to see likts, we dont want to feel rushed. I first thought Syd to Carins was realistic, looking at the map, this is not!! Has anyone done this before?? What would you recommend?




  1. It depends on what you are taking as your source of transportation. You can reach that place easily within 1 hour by plane.

  2. After many months of planning we (family) did Melbourne to Brisbane vacation in 10 days by car.  What a fantastic trip.  After doing some flee market shopping in Melbourne we headed south to the coast.  We saw the 12 Apostles formation in the south sea and continued on to Phillip Island to see the Ferry Penguins (not to be missed.)  Then up the coast to hit some animal farms.  Then Sydney for several days.  There is a lot to see there.  When in Sidney go to Mrs MacQuarie's Point at night and walk to the city side of the peninsula.  It is the most spectacular sight in the world.  Eat at the "Rocks" and Darling harbor at night.  Take the Red Bus at-you-own-pace tour.  Take the ferry to Manly beach.  There is a lot more.

    Then on to Brisbane and Surfers Paradise for several days, a great spot.  Regarding Cairns, there is really not much there unless you plan on scuba diving.  There is a lot more I haven't even mentioned along the way.

    Regarding the 28 days, you can do a lot more then what you have planned and still not be rushed.  A lot.

    When you get back you will be absolutely glowing.

  3. Sydney to Cairns is 4 days' solid driving.  That gives you 24 days to look around.

    By the way, if you are hiring a car you might get better rates travelling from Cairns to Sydney.  It is worth a look.

  4. 28 days is fine, the travel time itself isn't that much it depends on how much you want to see on the way. Syd to Carins isn't that far, but you will be chewing up many days driving.

    Here's someone's tour, which may require some modification.

    Carnarvon Gorge and Fraser Island /  Rainbow Beach  get my reccomendation. It's also probably a good idea to have a few days in Sydney and Cairns as well. And probably spread it out just a little more if you're doing your own driving and don't want it to be so rushed.

  5. a few years ago we went to brisbane from sydney by car and it took about 10 hours with break and everything

    by plane it would take much less time - probably about 2 hours

  6. I once went on a trip with my parents from Perth to Melbourne, believe it or not, took us 3 days by car...

    Australia's a lot smaller than you think :)

    Sydney is a stone throw away from Brisbane (around 700km), you could make that by car in a few hours (4 or 5) but by train is cheaper and more efficient if your touring, I'm pretty sure there's a direct line..

    Don't bother with planes, waste of money..

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