
Travelling from Vancouver to Penticton - Coqahala or Hope-Princton faster?

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I will be leaving from Langley, BC and travelling to Penticton. I was wondering which highway is faster to Penticton, the Coq, or the Hope - Princeton?




  1. Probably the Coq as far as Merritt then east on the connecter then south on 97.  The Hope-Princeton is a prettier drive though and not too much longer.  I've done both ways and like the southern route better.  (No toll booth either).

  2. The Coquahalla is faster but you will have to pay the $10.00 toll.

  3. Coquihalla is probably a bit faster but I prefer the Hope-Princeton. It's more interesting and there are more and better places to stop. And the Coq can be a radiator-killer in summer.

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