
Travelling in Colombia?

by Guest63640  |  earlier

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I am going to Colombia for work. I'm going to be in Bogota for most of the two weeks that I am there but want to go somewhere on my weekends. I've heard that Cartagena and San Andres are nice places to go but was wondering:

What's the best way to get there?

How long does it take?

Approximate costs for the travel?





  1. Do not listen to the ignorant idiot who put the comment that Colombia is dangerous, because Bogota is safer than Washington DC, Chicago, and Detroit. The security system there is way better than the Americans, you wil see for yourself when you visit. I been to Colombia and I am still alive!

    The best way to go to cities in Colombia, especially to the ones that are very far apart is by air. Avianca airlines is really good for domestic flights. Driving to from city to city takes forever because this country is very mountainous. It takes about one and a half hour to go to Cartagena from Bogota. The travel cost depends because airline prices change all the time, but it should not cost much because first of all things are cheap in Colombia and secondly it is domestic.

  2. From Bogota its about 1 hour (a little less) to Cartagena from Bogota and about 2 to San Andres. (If the weather sucks you WILL get to visit Panama) Got or  Copa is often cheaper.  I love both places and would be at a loss to reccomend one over the other. In either place, I would choose the Decameron they are all inclusive. I like the Mar Azul on San Andres the best. If you go to San Andres AVOID the Sunrise like the plauge. It sucks 100%. Dont stay at the Cartagena Hilton either. Too spendy. Get some place inside the walled city. Way more flavor. As for the first commentor, obviously they have NEVER been there and probably never out of moms basement.

  3. Colombia is extremely dangerous.. so it really isn't safe to visit there..


    I am not an ignorant idiot.

    "Colombia frequently tops the lists of the world's most dangerous countries."

    I've heard from SO many people, and all the travel books, websites, etc, say that it is one of the most dangerous countries. I'm not the only one who thinks this, and I'm certainly not an idiot. I just know better. =]

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