
Travelling overseas with a guinea pig?

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I have a 2 year old male guinea pig. In August of 2009 I will be moving to South Korea for a year from Canada and I don't want to leave my piggy behind. The idea of my piggy being in a cargo hold for a 20 hour flight terrifies me. Has anyone ever travelled so far with their guinea pig? Any advice? Thanks.




  1. he'll probably be dead before summer 09.. so don't worry about it :)

  2. First, you should check with the airline carrier on which you will be flying with regard to their policies for flying animals. I only know of one in the U.S. that will allow guinea pigs.The rest only take cats or dogs.

    Secondly, you need to check with South Korea regarding their policy for animals coming into the country. Some countries have very strict quarantine rules that can result in being separated from your pet for a long period of time (up to 6 months!). Then you also need to check with Canada about their quarantine policies for animals coming back into the country.

    If your piggie cannot fly with you in the cabin, it would be kinder to find someone to keep your beloved piggie for the year you will be gone. Chances are slim that your pigige would live through the 20 hour flight in the cargo hold.

    I hope you find a solution. Best of luck.

  3. I took my piggies with me on a 6 hour drive to Oregon and they were pretty scared. I'm really glad that the trip wasn't longer. They finally were willing to eat and drink after about 4 hours but it took them a while to get adjusted after we arrived to the new destination. Going back home 3 days later was better. I learned that it's not worth it to them for that short a time.

    A year however, I can't imagine being without my beloved pets either so I totally understand how you feel. I agree, you should check with the airline. If not, I don't know, you can't really smuggle it on but definitely I would NOT put it in the cargo hold. 20 hours is too long for it to be alone and scared and maybe without food and water. I think the trauma would be really bad for him.

  4. Definitely ask the airline you will be travelling with what your options are.  I recently took a flight from Canada to the Caribbean and there was a lady with a small dog in a pet-carry-bag.  So maybe you can do something like that, but possibly each airline has it's own rules.  But it won't hurt to ask!!!  The cargo thing sounds pretty scary and who knows what could happen to the little piggy...  Even if it doesn't get hurt, he'll probably be scared!  Have a safe trip!

  5. Since guinea pigs are small maybe you can put him in a small pet carrier cage for the trip and take him on board with you as your carry on item. Usually airlines accept small animals on board (like small dogs and cats) basically as long as you can fit the carrier under the chair your good to go. As for feeding him and everything I'm not sure how you can do that...Maybe you can some how attatch his water feeding bottle to the carrier and maybe you can throw some food in their with him. Also you can try and line the carrier with a bunch of newspaper or puppy potty pads so if he uses the restroom it won't leak out of the carrier or something. Good luck and I'm sure you will be able to find a way to bring him with you.  

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