
Travelling through South America?

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I am hoping to plan a trip soon that will begin in Costa Rica, and take me through Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, and hopefully up to Guyana. Has anyone made a similar trip? (I am planning on flying from San Jose, CR to Quito, Ecuador to avoid the whole Colombian border deal).

Is it safe? Did you fly? Take the bus? What are the border crossings like? Just any advice from experience would be helpful :-)

Thanks ahead of time!!!!




  1. One of the worse border crossings in South America is Tumbes Peru. On the Peruvian side. Every low life degenerate is trying to scam you. It is best to take a International Bus through that border crossing.

       South America is safe you mainly have to be careful of petty theft and getting your bags stolen

  2. travelling by car is preferable. you can vividly see the scenic

    views of the places you want to visit. i think it is safe but advisable

    that you have a tour guide with you

  3. take travellers checks

  4. If you came to Chile we have apartments and houses to rent, with house keeper 4 hours at day.

    Safe country: Ecuador +/-

    Peru: +/-

    Bolivia: Dangerous

    Chile: safety

    Argentina: Safety

    Urugauy: Safety

    Paraguay: +/-

    Brasil: +/-

    Colombia: Dangerous

    Guyana: +/-

    Venezuela: Dangerous

    Watch our web and decide if you want come to Chile.

  5. I cannot agree that a trip by car is preferable. The roads are horrible, and there are guerrillas and bandidos in every one of those countries. Unless you know the territory, I strongly suggest you fly from city to city.

    If you can, get all of your visas ahead of time. Otherwise you will spend many many hours in various uncomfortable offices waiting to get your visa processed.

    As for the "Colombian border deal" - that is weird. What are you talking about? Colombian border guards are a h**l of a lot nicer than the USA Dept of Homeland Security. I have crossed the Colombian border many times and never had the slightest trouble, harassment, etc. You have gotten bad, bogus  information.

    Bus trips also take forever. Spend your time enjoying the cities and take day trips.

    BTW, Cali and Medellin are fabulous and inexpensive places to visit. I might just retire in one of them.

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