
Travelling to France any one know about the road signs and useful verses?

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i am driving on the roads there and would like help with the lanuage and be able to read the road signs and try and speak a little basic french




  1. Everything I've read above appears correct (lived there for 11 years) I'd just add that there is one rule that sometimes catches people out. If there are no road markings or signs then you must give priority to cars coming from your right - even if you appear to be on the biggest road and the other appears to be a minor road joining it. Thankfully most roads have signs or painted "give way" lines. If however your road has big yellow diamond shaped signs along it that means you have priority so don't need to worry.

    I'm sure all that sounds very confusing but don't worry too much - just keep your speed a little lower than you normally would and you'll be fine.

    Oh and when I go over there now in a right hand drive car they way I remember which side of the road I should be on is by thinking "I'm uncertain so I need to hang onto the kerb!" which is of course just outside the driver's window not the passenger's.

  2. This website covers everything you will need in this regard:

  3. don't worry, the french stop signs say... stop! lol most of the signs are the same as in england. stop means stop, danger means danger and you really can't expect the name of the cities to be translated but whatever. dont worry the most difficult thing will be keeping to the right side of the road.

  4. Some signs are with some phrases which you have to know French to understand them. If you are lost, look for ' TOUTES DIRECTION'  which means to all direction and you won't go far wrong. Sometimes when you are in a cross road you are not sure to drive on or stop, look for a sign saying ' Vous n' avez pas la prioritié ' which means you have to stop and let the car from the other side pass first. Along the autoroute ( motorway or highway ), there are sometimes some high up electronic screens that show you what happen the road ahead of you. When you see ' Bouchon á 2 km' means traffic jam in 2 km's distance, ' Travaux' means road work, ' Déviation' means diversion, ' Accident' is the same word as accident in English.

    If you drive around the cities and towns, you will always see these words such as Cédez le passage which means give way, Rappel which means reminder, Relentir which means slow down, Arrêt which means stop and Passage piétons which means pedestrian crossing.

    Of course there are many others but I think the above cover almost the most important ones.

  5. Road signs throughout Europe are standardised. Any reasonable phrase book should help with language.

  6. The road signs are more or less the same as in UK with a few exceptions. The most important is probably the "Priorite a Droite" sign which means "Give way to traffic on your right." This is particularly important at roundabouts. There are other "priority" signs and I suggest you get a french road atlas which will probably include them as well as other road rules such as the fact that motorway (autoroute) speed limits are reduced when it rains. If you don't speak  any french it's too late to start now!! Ma voiture est en panne" means "my car has broken down" and "En plein, s-il vous plait," means "Fill her up, please," if the petrol station is not a self-serve.  (Supermarkets sell the cheapest fuel).  The only difficulties driving "on the wrong side" are at roundabouts and when overtaking but, with care, you'll be fine.  Flashing orange lights mean  "unnamed risk" and can include pedestrian crossings, minor crossroads or anything.  Make sure you have your EHIC  card for medical treatment (get a form from the post office),  good continental insurance for your car and passengers and a Green Card from your usual car insurers to extend your policy to France. It may cost a few pounds, it may not.

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