
Travelling to Netherlands for 1 year?

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I am an Indian.I would be traveling to Netherlands for 1 year stay.

I would like to know what all things i have to carry.

Where in Mumbai, i would get best price for this shopping.






  1. Try these links:-

  2. Hi, Megha !

    I am an Indian who has lived and worked in Amsterdam for a few years now. Tell me what you exactly want to know and I shall give you the benefit of my knowledge/experience of the country/people/culture etc...... As Jerome (rightly) said, you can get everything here -- but it is expensive. So, I would advise you to buy your winter woolies in India. My wife bought her winter clothes from Roopam in Mumbai. I do not know how expensive or cheap this shop is compared to others. But it is most certainly cheaper than buying your clothes here. Anyway, that is my experience. And, Megha, if you use cosmetics and shampoo for Indian skin and hair, I would suggest that you bring them with you. Also, the weather here is rather unpredictable and it rains a fair amount. So...... Anyway, having said this, let me tell you that when the sun shines, Amsterdam is the most glorious place to be ! I do not know WHERE in the Netherlands you are going to be, but wherever it is, I am sure you will enjoy your stay here. Have a great time and......good luck.

    If I can be of any further help, please do not hesitate to let me know here (on Y!...Answers) and I shall give you my e-mail ID.

    I shall be only too happy to help you in any way I can. Okay?

    Take care.

  3. hi,

    I am french and indian too, and i know netherland, you dont need to bring anything there, just money, everithing what you need you will know and buy there.

    all the best


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