
Travelling to Peru?

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My husband and I won an all expenses paid trip to peru to go to the Heath River Wildlife center. What is peru like? Is it considered safe? Anyone ever been to the wildlife center? Would peru be appropriate for a 4 1/2 and 2 1/2 year old? ANY advice would be GREATLY appreciated!




  1. Perú is like a common country..........well, not as cool as your country is.

    Yes, I think Perú could be considered "safe", but do not forget to take your precautions =)

    I don't think Perú'd be appropriate for a 4 1/2 and 2 1/2 year old!!!!!!!!!!!

    But, I have to tell you somethin:

    If you are caucasican or arian, you must take care a lot because here, some people hate the americans and try to make somethin against them ........... and there is other people that always are trying to take advantage on them (cheat, steal, etc)

  2. Here a link that might be useful for you:

    Be careful with the food,  I just came back from Peru about a week ago and I went with my sister and her family, out of 2 weeks they were sick for about a week.

    Hope you have talk to your doctor and the kids' pediatrician before you leave.

    Have fun and enjoy the trip, it is a very nice country.

  3. I think whenever we are going to a foreign country, it is better to be extra cautious. Never take anything for granted. Here are some useful tips when travelling to Peru:

    # When boarding taxis from Peru airport to your hotel, please ensure that the drivers have official identification. Never take a taxi waiting outside the airport grounds

    # Try not to arrive in a new city or town late at night

    # Learn the basics in Spanish before you arrive in Peru. Don't expect that people will speak English.

    # Keep your valuables hidden.

    # Avoid going on your own to remote areas/ruins where tourist would be expected to go. Seek local advice or take a guide.

    # Leave your valuables in your hotel safe when making day trips or longer tours.

    # Always go out in a group, never walk alone.

    You may go to for more detail and information on travelling to Peru. Hope this is useful.

  4. I am peruvian and i have 2 kids. I live in the city but have been in this area before.

    I would say it is a safe country but you always have to be careful.  the Wildlife center is very nice, the weather might be a problem, since it is really really hot and humid, but if you go prepared it will be ok. It rain alot ALOT and there are bugs all over the place. have to be careful with insects and especially with the kids. have to use a lot of repelent and sunscreen.

    It is  avery nice place and people is veryvery nice, but there are no big attractions for kids. The river, lakes and animals all around will be the best part of the trip. Mi kids loved to be there because they love nature and animals so if your kids like that , then they will be fine! Now, if you dont like bugs or insects...well.... think it twice!!

    Hope it helped!

  5. Peru is a safe country and a friend of America, although there would be as much petty theft there as there is in European countries.  Accomodations may not be as luxurious as Americans are used to, so go with an open mind.  I envy you.

  6. The Heath River Wildlife Center is in the Amazon Jungle, in the Madre de Dios Region. Bear in mind that this is a frontier region, kinda like going to Gates of the Arctic or Kobuk National Park in Alaska, except that instead of extreme cold you'll get  hot and humid weather. The place is awe inspiring for its beauty and for the sheer exuberance of the jungle and also the best place to see the "gallito de las rocas", Peru's national bird.

    Also, the living quarters of the Wildlife Center are in the Bolivian side of the River, so you'll need a Bolivian visa.

    I've never done Heath River, but I've been to nearby Tambopata with my kid when he was 5. It is not dangerous, but my kid got a bit bored as you spend lots of time in canoes or boats going to places were he has to be quiet to see the animals. Yellow fever vaccines are a must and Malaria might not be a bad idea.

  7. For the 4 1/2 year old and 2 1/2 year old, get them vaccinated to protect them from foriegn viruses. I'm gonna go Peru too! Watch you children too.

  8. Peru is a surprising cuntry. is safe, with charming people and tasteful food (River Heath is in the jungle, try Tacacho and Juane, tasteful dishes). In the jungle, you need to take your binoculars, fresh cotton clothes, raincoat and repellent, mosquito net you can buy in Peru (price are about USD10.00)....

    You can comming with childs. If they like jungle, animals and adventures, no problem. Peru is safe country for peruvians and foregeiners...

    To get the amazon, you need vaccine of yellow fever, 10 days before you enter to the jungle. (vaccine works for 10 years)...

    I recommend, contact to the Peruvian Government Information and Assistance Free Service (named "i peru"), or by their 24 hours phone (51 1) 574-8000, they give neutral info about attractives, destinations, recommended and regular services (accomodations, travel agencies, restaurants, etc...), referential prices, times, suggestions and all you need to plan you travel.

    Iperu operators speak English and are very charming. Feel free to contact them.

    Iperu, function is also protect consumers, so if you have some trouble in Peru, you can contact them and they will help you (they can contact your embbasy or what you need, they are very friendly people, they are peruvians...!).

    Further info you can visit: (This is the official web of Peru and has English, French, Italian and German versions).

    If you want to know Peru is recommended you stay about 4 months, Peru has thousands of attractives. In Peru you can visit:

    - Canyons (Cotahuasi and Colca, the deepest in the World);

    - Powerful rivers (The Amazon river borns in Peru, in Arequipa and take the name in Iquitos);

    - The most biodiverse jungle and sea (the Peruvian Amazon Jungle: Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve and the Manu National Park; Marine wildlife: Paracas National Reserve, you can see also penguins in Paracas).

    - Peru is the country with most Birds, Orchids and Butterflies in all over the world.

    - Precolumbian monuments (Machu Picchu and Choquequirao, Sacsayhuaman, Nazca Lines... Kuelap in the jungle, Chan Chan and Lord of Sipan...).

    - The Pisco Route (Ica Region)...

    - Lot of native living cultures.

    ¡Peru is the Indiana Jone's country...!

    For futher info contact Iperú, by phone, email or personally in the arrival lounge at Lima Airport.

    I hope this info be helpful for you...

  9. I'm 13 and my friends and I just got back from Peru. We went everywhere and nothing happened ( all 13 year olds ) It was fun and very safe. Be cautious but you don't have to worry
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