
Travelling to rome for 1st time-how easy is it to navigate your way from Fiumicino to your hotel via trains?!?

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my fiance and i are travelling to Rome for the 1st time in August - v.exciting! we arrive at Fiumicino airport about lunch time and we need a cheap way to get to our hotel - Castello della Castelluccia. we know we can get the train but i am a bit apprehensive seeing as it is our 1st time in Rome and i am worried that we will get lost!! how easy is it to navigate the trains (we know no italian but i have brought an italian phrasebook to help us!) and would you think this an ok way to get to our hotel? we dont want to spend a lot of money on a taxi - we are on a budget and want plenty for eating out and sight seeing! also, how much would the train fare be roughly and how long the journey? also, ive read that shorts arent acceptable in the city centre - is this correct and should we not wear shorts?! any other tips would be greatly appreciated too! thank you so much to anyone who replies!




  1. I JUST spent last week in Rome for my Honeymoon.  A taxi is always an option - but it's expensive (at least 50 euros - 75$).  I know my husband and  were on a budget anyways.  I just looked at the website for your hotel and it looks like you're well outside of Rome's inner belt!  How do you plan on getting into the city?  Taxi every time?  That could run you $100/day. Yikes!  They mention a shuttle bus on their website - you may want to call and find out about that.  They mention the nearest Metro stop, so with that in mind (not knowing much about your budget or this shuttle bus) here is my advice.

    I highly recommend taking the "Leonardo Express" to downtown Rome from the airport.  The Leonardo Express train is extremely easy to find through the airport signs (just follow the train signs).  My husband and I had never been to Rome before and it was as easy as finding the baggage claim.  You pay 11 Euro per ticket, and hop on - there's room for your luggage overhead on the train seats and it's comfortable and clean.  It takes 30 minutes and lands you in central Rome - the Termini station.   I see that your Hotel's website says "Metro: The nearest Metro stop is FM3 linea S Pietro Viterbo eighth stop "Piazzale della Giustiniana".  Get on the train to go there from Termini.  As for transportation from this stop to your hotel.... I would recommend getting the number for a taxi company and see if they can't pick you up there, or call your hotel and ask if the shuttle bus goes to this stop or if it's within walking distance of your hotel - or if a bus will go from the Metro station to the hotel.  I got the hang of the trains/buses in Rome VERY easily.

    This may seem complicated, but it's really only switching trains once then finding out the distance to your hotel, and if you plan to visit the city a lot anyways, my best guess is you don't want to be taking cabs everywhere and you'll want to orientate yourself with the location of this Metro stop quickly.

    Good luck and feel free to IM me on Yahoo messenger with any questions!

    Oh and shorts are fine - it's hot out!  BUT not when you are visiting the Vatican or some other churches in Rome (St Peters in Chains is one that doesnt allow shorts and sleeveless shirts.)  If you, say, know you are spending the whole day at the forum, palatine hill, colosseum, and pantheon then feel free to wear shorts - many people do.  Just figure out your schedule before you go out to sightsee so you know what's appropriate to wear for where you are headed.

  2. Trains are simple to navigate and are the most pleasant way of traveling that I have ever experienced.  I truly wish we had more rail transportation here.

    If you are planning on going into churches or religious sanctuaries, you will not want to wear shorts that do not cover your knees or shirts that don't cover your shoulders.  The churches seem extremely strict with this and will either make you cover up or not admit you.  However, it is hot there right now, so if you plan on wearing a sleeveless shirt, carry a scarf or shawl with you.

    Cheap food is just as good as expensive.  The pizza is unbelievable and easy to find.

    Have gelato everyday that you are there and try to find some watermelon or pear & apple gelato.

    Get a pop up map for Rome, but since you are staying on the out skirts of Rome, the map may not reach.

    If you don't have reservations to the Vatican Museums, I found going to St. Peter's in the morning and then going to the Museums easier.  The line was still long, but at least it moved.

    Sight see early and late.  Take a long lunch or nap at your hotel in the mid day heat.

  3. I wouldn't attempt it on my first trip there. Rome is a big, confusing place and you'll be VERY tired if you're flying from the U.S. Better to take a taxi (not outrageously expensive) and cut back on some other splurge. It's when you're tired that bad things happen -- like you get taken advantage of by some hustler who offers to cart your bags or you pay too much for something because you don't know the exchange rate well enough yet. I took the bus a lot while I was in Rome and it was well worth it, but I didn't attempt it with luggage or when I was tired. It'll pay to study the city map extensively before you go, and to get a map of the transportation system, which is very confusing. I've broken up with two or three guys because of the stress of traveling together. Better to get off on the right foot....

  4. to get the direct train into rome just follow the signs, no problem.  take a taxi to your hotel from the station.  taxis are in que outside, just follow signs.  if you are really tired just go right out to the taxi line from airport. the cost could almost equal 1 taxi vs. 2 train tickets + taxi, so for 2 it might be worth the taxi.  you can also book a shuttle online & confirm pickup before you arrive, but those make stops dropping off other people along the way.  shorts are fine, everyone is used to tourists...

  5. Your hotel is a fair distance from Rome so you'll be faced with the transportation problem throughout your stay.  Either find a hotel closer in, or get get accustomed to the trains right from the start.

    You'll want to read our Italy travelogues for money-saving tips and sightseeing ideas:

    Hope that helps!

  6. Train travel is pretty easy in Italy.

    The train station at the airport is well marked. Just follow the signs. To get to your hotel, you need to take a train to the Roma Trastevere (27 minutes) and change to a train to La Giustiniana (32 min). The total fare is 5.50 euro. You can call the hotel to get picked up at the La Giustiana station. There's a 17 to 30 minute wait between trains at Trastavere, so you should have plenty of time for the change.

    You can check specific schedules and prices on the train website:  Use Fiumicino Airport and Giustiniana as the start and end stations.

    You will see some tourists in shorts in Rome, but you can't get into the Vatican or some other churches wearing shorts. You also have to have your shoulders covered. It would be better not to wear shorts in the city.

  7. Rome is very easy to get to..You will find that about 85% of people there speak english.  alos check or .it..I forget I have been 3 time and like you the wife and i were very nervious about finding our wa so easy i think we were almost  another great place for info is  you can print your train info and directions and have them with you when you get there.  Good luck we will be leaving the 24th of aug. for a 18 day holiday in Italy...Hope this helped

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