
Travelling to the UK from the US?

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I am travelling to the UK from the US in July and I was just wondering fi there's anything else I will need to show other than my passport. I'm pretty sure I don't but are there any documents or anything I will need, or do I just need my passport?




  1. Your passport and a return ticket are enough.

  2. You will have to fill in a form on the plane normally to state who you are visiting (if anyone) and their address where you are staying, or the hotel details.  

    I didn't have to show anything else other than my passport and I went to SF just after 9/11 when security was tight.  

    I also didn't get so many questions either at the airport

    The only thing I can think if is if you are travelling with any medicines then ensure you have the precription from the doctor with you, and also check with the airline before flying, as some drugs are not permitted in different countries (although normally the UK <-> US do not have problems with this)

  3. i had to show my passport, then there's a really long questioning process.... i think i was there for 30 minutes or so answering questions about how much money i had, where i was staying, who i was staying with, contact information, etc.  so, i would suggest you keep any accommodation reservations handy as you may need to show them when you get there.  

    have a good trip!


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