
Travelling to the US for 3 days and a former drug charge???

by  |  earlier

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Me and my partner are irish and are planning a trip to florida to look at property to invest in. He has a drug conviction and was in prison for 8 months 3 years ago. He had never been in trouble before and hasnt been in any trouble since. I havent found any information on the internet about whether he wont be able to enter the states for these few days. were living in england and i cant ring the visa service number because it costs so much my phone wont allow me and there is no email address. Can anyone help???




  1. With the world the way it is......make sure he can pass.......or you will have a short stay in the US..............

  2. you have to fill in a visa waver form on the plane, and they did tell me that if you have convictions you have to tell them before you fly, as you may need a interview, long way to go to get turned away, i would phone some how if i wee you. good luck

  3. You could try the foreign office website at They have all sorts of travel info.

    Just found the US website for Britain

    Hope this helps

  4. Unless you needed a visa to go into the country to start with it should be fine. They won't deny you access to the US.  

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