
Travelling to turkey (maybe) anything I should watch out for?

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I would like to hear from anyone who has been to Turkey before for some advice.. I may be going to Turkey for a week on holiday and I was wondering if there is anything I should look out for such as:

* Anti maleria

* Repellents for insect bites

* Whether to boil water or drink on bottled water

* Earthquakes

* Is the country safe for tourist

* State of the country - i.e. are they relatively peaceful compared to rest of middles east.

* Local customs and politeness - such as not making specific hand gestures or showing soles of feet

* Travel insurance

* Temperature around September

I know I sound ignorant about the place but that's because I am ignorant...I've never been...I'm not a confident traveller and always like to know what to expect before I go.





  1. *Anti maleria - not required in Coastal areas normally frequented by tourists but recommended if travelling near border Syria/Iraq

    * Repellents for insect bites - something with DEET, the mossies are lethal in some areas

    * Whether to boil water or drink on bottled water - the water is usually OK to drink but has a high mineral content so best to stick to bottled for drinking.

    * Earthquakes - depends where you are going but most tourist areas just get mild tremors ( I once fell out of bed and just thought had too much to drink ;-) )

    * Is the country safe for tourist - yes if you are in a tourist area  and most other areas OK except around Syria/Iraq border where PKK have a presence.There are specialist tourist police (gendarmes)

    * State of the country - i.e. are they relatively peaceful compared to rest of middles east. - very peaceful I have been going since around 1987 and never had any bother but it is best to avoid major towns and cities during election times (not a problem in tourist areas)

    * Local customs and politeness - such as not making specific hand gestures or showing soles of feet - Turks are very tolerant the best guide is if the statue to Attaturk is huge then you are in a very westernised area with sunni muslims, if the mosque is more prominent then you may be in a shiite are so need to take more care.  One issue is to make sure you are not exposing too much flesh when not on the beach as this is offensive.

    * Travel insurance - definite must as there is no reciprocal agreement with EU for health care.  All chemists shops (Eczane) usually have a dispensing chemist who can give basic medical advice and prescribe antibiotics etc for mild conditions so try them first before paying for a doctor.  

    * Temperature around September - depends on area but generally hot during day (average around 23 - 25C) but cooler at night so will need a light jacket, especially if going the end of September.

    Hope you have a great time.  Remember you will need a £10 sterling note for your entry visa.

  2. Turkey is 98% peaceful, but a bombing, protest, or terrorist shooting usually happen with absolutely no warning. If you are in a crowded place, such as a square or bazaar, and sense that a protest might begin, (people gathering shouting slogans in unison, etc.) get far away as fast as you can. Turkish anti-riot police don't ask questions and break up the protest as fast as possible, however possible. NEVER go with someone who wants to take you to 'his place' to show you his sample of rugs or whatever. ALWAYS carry your identification. Be prepared to be stopped whenever you enter a mall or building. Their security is ultra tight. I would get a Hep B innoculation. September should see temperatures in the low 80's.

    Turks are a peaceful, warm, and generous people. There is no need to be more afraid than in any American city, bad things happen everywhere.

    The scariest thing is getting to the airport on time. A minor traffic accident can snarl traffic for hours. If you are going to Istanbul airport, I would leave 2 hrs. before you are supposed to be there. And do NOT say anything derogatory about Ataturk! Always drink bottled water, and be ready for toilets that are not as clean as you are used to.

  3. Watch out for kemalist terrorists.

  4. It's a fantastic country and very westernised around the Aegean and Mediteranean.  Mosquitos can be a problem in some areas but you can get repellants in any pharmacy and by September, they are possibly past their worst!  Water is not dirty but has a high mineral content so everyone uses bottled water.  Malaria is not a risk in the western part of the country.  Earthquakes are not common but have happenned mainly along the black sea coasts.  Turkey is one of the nicest and friendliest countries I have ever been to and I always feel very very safe there (and I'm a female often travelling alone!).   Travel insurance is a must - there is no free health care for tourists although, if you need it, it is very very good and puts many of our clinics and hospitals to shame.

    It is said that there is something in Turkey for everyone and resorts/areas do differ.  I love the Bodrum peninsula where there is a mix of buzy club 18-30 resorts (Gumbet, Bodrum at night), resorts that appeal to those who like everything  'british' when they go away ie, chips with everything, English music, cheap beer,kareoke and Bingo (Altinkum, parts of Marmaris, Hisaranu and then there are laid back resorts like Bitez, Ortokent, Yalikavak which appeal to those wanting a really chilled out time with no hassle!  Wherever you go, you will have a great time.  September is still lovely and hot - with warm seas but the intensive heat should have passed (hopefully!) and all the screaming brats will be back at school - bliss.  I think you will be amazed at how clean and welcoming it is and how many of your preconceptions of this country will be blown away.

  5. Watch out for flying turkey's

  6. I'll have a go at answering your questions.

    1. vacinations. the best person to ask would be your doctor. I've had the usual Hep and tetanus, but never had to take maleria tablets for Turkey.

    2. any of avon skin so soft range acts as an insect repellant, from the soap to the shower gel. I use the dry body oil. does exactly what it say on the 'tin'. spray it on wipe it in, not greasy skin. Trust me, it works.

    3. the majority of the water in Turkey is perfectly safe to drink, however the high mineral content may upset your stomach if you are not used to it. I would suggest bottles water even though I don't use it myself.

    4. Earthquakes happen in Turkey, but you can't go around worrying too much or you'll never be able to enjoy yourself. It is not like they have one a month or so.

    5. Turkey is IMO a safe destination.  the fighting that is going on is 'in house' and it is Turks that are being targetted, not tourists.

    6. When you go to Turkey you will meet some of the most friendly and helpful people you will ever encounter. Although while in toursit areas some of them may be a bit overpowering when trying to sell you their wares. Don't forget to barter. Turks love it when you barter with them and you will get a bargain. more often than not you will be offered tea or to break bread with the shopkeepers. its always polite to accept. On the whole Turkey is a peaceful place. They have their troubles, as do we all, but they are mainly confined to certain areas that as a tourist you would not really be.

    7. If you invited into a Turkish persons house it is polite to remove your shoes and leave them by the door. If you visit a mosque or other religious areas then dress accordingly.

    8. Its always a good idea to travel with insurance. I use they are reasonably priced with good cover.

    9. Its still going to be pretty hot in september.

    Spend your time enjoying yourself and fall in love with a beautiful country.

    PS try the baclava:)

  7. its safe but beware of g**s and dont talk ARMENIAN they'll hate you but everything else is perfect :)

  8. * Anti malaria - not required, you will need to get vaccinated for  Diphtheria,  Hepatitis A & Tetanus

    * Repellents for insect bites - recommended

    * Whether to boil water or drink on bottled water - both boiled tap water & bottle water are fine to drink & avoid ice in drinks

    * Earthquakes - there have been earthquakes in some of the costal resorts in Turkey, but hey, England had one at the begining of the year.

    * Is the country safe for tourist - terrorist attacks/mugging etc can happen anywhere in the world Turkey is a relatively safe place, you have nothing to worry about.  

    * State of the country - i.e. are they relatively peaceful compared to rest of middles east - the costal areas are very peaceful, you won't find any extremist

    * Local customs and politeness - such as not making specific hand gestures or showing soles of feet - the costal towns have a very relaxed attitude,  treat the locals as you would wish to be treated & you'll have no problems

    * Travel insurance - a must

    * Temperature around September - late 70's early 80's

    Turkey is a wonderful country, get the holiday booked, you'll have a wonderful time!!

  9. They Hate PAXO!!!

    Customs will stop you if you have it on your person.

    Also if your surname is Mathews - Then they will want evidence your not related to the big man himself Bernard!!!

  10. You'll enjoy it, don't worry.

    I'll keep my flying turkeys and bears in their respective cages. :D

  11. Hi! don't worry about safety. By and large,tourists going Turkey have what they are looking for a vacation. You can choose to go Antalya. It is exactly vacation city. Everything is fixed to tourists.It has appropriate and cheap hotels for different choices.Besides, I'm sure that you will return your country with good thoughts after seeing Mediterranean Sea. Hope to be helpful.

  12. no just

    tuba buyukustun if you see her tell her i said hi.

    she is like my hero!  

  13. If you look very carefully you should see some Turks

  14. you will need really good insurance cover.  one that covers you from bear attacks.  many turks have pet bears that they walk around on chains.  just come back from turkey myself and it's pretty scary.  some kid got his head bitten off clean.

  15. No its a great place. As long as your not g*y or you actually pay your tax your fine. lot of beggars though in some areas

  16. Beware of the unicorns and trolls!!!!

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