
Travling and homeschooling?

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I am a traveling RRT and my oldest child will start school soon. does anyone know where you can hire a teacher to travel with you or about how much it costs? My children always come with me




  1. What about a traveling nanny with tutoring/teacher skills.

  2. Why do you want a teacher? It takes very little time to homeschool, most programs take less than three hours a day, which is very achievable for even the most busy parent.

    A nanny is a good suggestion, of course it increases your cost and ultimately you are still responsible for the academic achievement of your child. A traveling tutor would be just as much more expensive as a nanny, but you could advertise for a general ed teacher and screen them. It's so very non necessary until middle or high school.

  3. Experienced teachers are used to making $20-35K a year or $20-25 and hour.

    I supposed you can get them for less if you pay meals, transportation room (good accomodations).

  4. You could just have them teach themselves! Get some textbooks, or other teaching supplies and bring them with you on your travels.

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