
Trawling fish? Why? Where is the responsibility to reserve and nurture species?

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Trawling fish? Why? Where is the responsibility to reserve and nurture species?




  1. no. use dynamite

  2. I can understand 'poorer'countries using trawl nets,as they haven't got a lot of food choice.As for the rest of us,it's just pure greed!

  3. Where is the primary source of protein for 90% of the global population again?  Oh, wait, that's right...

    Trawling is economically efficient, and it keeps the cost of fish down. Most of the world doesn't have the luxury of turning their noses up at any kind of food at all. Be thankful you're not sitting in the rift lake valleys in Africa, where the ONLY source of food comes from commercial fishing.

    Why would we reserve species? Reserve them for what? Humans are animals, and we are a big part of the ecology- in fact, we're the highest of the apex predators. Our role in the ecology is to feed on the lower predators (and, to a lesser extent, the producers) to control their populations to a point that encourages biological diversity.

    So you see, ecologically speaking, it's better to fish than to not fish, within the limits that nations like the US have now set.  If the rest of the world followed us, there would be no overfishing in 50 years.

  4. Yes?  $$$.  With government to protect their territorial waters for future generations in a sustainable fashion.

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